
  • 网络lead-free brass;nonleaded brass;unleaded brass
  1. 正交试验法在无铅黄铜成分设计中的应用

    The Application of Orthogonal Experiment to the Composition Design of Lead-free Brass

  2. 无铅黄铜是以Bi来代替Pb,同时加入一定量的Mn元素来提高其性能。

    Bi is substituted for Pb in free-cutting brass Pb-free , meanwhile some Mn was added to improve the properties of the brass .

  3. 黄铜在3%的NaCl溶液中会生成Cu2O、CuCl钝化膜,产生钝化现象,极化测试表明冷拔状态无铅黄铜产生点蚀现象。

    The passivation phenomenon of the brass in 3 % NaCl solution can be observed due to the creation of passive film of Cu_2O or CuCl_2 . Occurrence of pitting corrosion in cold-drawn brass can be found after the polarization measurement .

  4. 加工工艺对无铅黄铜耐腐蚀性能的影响

    Effects of Processing Techniques on Corrosion Resistant of Pb-free Brass

  5. 针对目前机械制造业普遍使用的易切削黄铜所含铅元素对环境造成的危害,提出研制无铅易切削黄铜。

    In accordance with the pollution caused by the lead contained in the free cutting brass which is widely used in machine-made industry , this paper analyzes the principles of the free-cutting brass .

  6. 采用脱Zn腐蚀深度测量方法、恒电位测试方法、光学显微镜和SEM等分析方法,研究了不同的加工工艺对无铅易切削铋黄铜的耐脱Zn腐蚀性能的影响。

    Effects of different processing techniques on corrosion resistance of Pb-free brass have been investigated by dezincification corrosion depth testing , potential tests , optical microscope and SEM .

  7. 以制备一种新型的无铅易切削铋黄铜合金为目的,以替代现有应用广泛的易切削铅黄铜。

    The purpose of this study is to develop a new kind of easy cutting leadless bismuth brass , which is to substitute for the widely used toxic leaded brass .