
  1. 如果无名指长,那么Fq小于1,且手型更为男性化。

    A longer ring finger results in an Fq of less than 1 and a more masculine hand shape .

  2. 调查表明:女性无名指长运动能力强伦敦国王学院的研究人员周四提出,从女性无名指的长度可以看出她的竞技潜力。

    The length of a girl 's ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential , researchers at King 's College London said on Thursday .

  3. 进行这项研究的科学家得比.默斯科唯茨说道,实验结果显示无名指长的男性更喜欢笑,妥协,恭维他人,微笑并倾听对方。

    Professor Debbie Moskowitz , who led the study , said their results revealed men with longer ring fingers were more likely to laugh , compromise , compliment others , smile and listen to their partners .

  4. 研究还表明,无名指长的男人更可能是那种“拼命工作,卖命玩乐”的人,不达目的,绝不罢休,无论是处理财政事务,还是追求心仪女性。

    It also shows the greater the chance that he is the kind of " work hard , play hard " man who doesn 't take no for an answer – whether it is sealing a financial deal or trying to win a girl 's heart .

  5. 举个例子,最成功的金融交易师无名指最长。

    One example : The most successful financial traders tend to have the longest fourth fingers .

  6. 无名指越长且食指越短,受睾丸激素的影响就越大。

    The longer the ring finger and the shorter the index finger , the greater the testosterone exposure .

  7. 比起其他手指来(尤其是食指),无名指越长此人越可能是个干劲十足,能赚大钱的人。

    The longer the ring finger compared to the rest of his hand – particularly the index finger – then the more chance he is the kind of go-getter who makes big money .

  8. 相比于食指和无名指一样长,或是食指较长的人,食指比无名指短的人患膝盖关节炎的风险更大,特别是女性。

    Fq 1 : Healthier knees An index finger thats shorter than the ring finger can be a sign of knee osteoarthritis risk , particularly in women , compared with people whose fingers are equal lengths , or who have a longer index finger .

  9. 如果你的无名指比食指长,你就是一个真男子汉。

    If your ring finger is bigger than your index finger , you are a real macho man .

  10. 通常无名指比食指长的男人对女性更礼貌,体贴周到,关爱有佳。

    Men with a ring finger much longer than their index finger are more polite , attentive and considerate to women .

  11. 一项研究发现,那些无名指比食指长的男人在女人眼中更胜一筹。

    Men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are seen as better bets by women , a study found .

  12. 那些无名指比食指长的孩子在考试中数学成绩比语文好。

    Those with ring fingers longer than index fingers did better on the math part of a standardized test than the reading part .

  13. 宝宝接触到的睾丸素越多,也就是雄性荷尔蒙越多,他的无名指就会越长。

    The more testosterone – the male sex hormone – a baby is exposed to , the longer his ring finger is likely to be .

  14. 那些无名指比食指长的女性的奔跑速度更快,研究者已经发现了一个简单的途径来预测谁将在比赛当中胜出。

    Women whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are quicker on their feet , offering a simple way of predicting who will win a race , researchers have found .

  15. 此项研究结果在《英国体育医学》上发表,研究发现,无名指比食指长的女性在跑步和与跑步相关的一些项目,如足球和网球中表现较为突出。

    The findings , published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine , found that women withring fingerslonger than their index fingers had performed better at running and associated running sports such as soccer and tennis .

  16. 根据牛津大学今天在《生物学报》期刊上发表的文章判断,人们同一只手的无名指比食指长的话,就更有可能花心哦。

    People with a right ring finger that 's much longer than the index of the same hand are more likely to veer toward the dissolute , judging from an Oxford University study published today in the journal Biology Letters 。

  17. 具体说来就是,如果某人右手的无名指和食指一样长的话,那你就得小心了。如果这两只手指的长度一样或者非常接近,则说明手的主人出生前体内睾丸激素含量就很高,这又进一步说明两点。

    Specifically , if someone 's ring finger and his index finger are the same length , look out 。 Little or no difference in the size of those digits is an indicator of high prenatal testosterone , which tells you two things .

  18. 女性的无名指通常比食指短,或和食指一样长,但男性的无名指普遍比食指长。【航空】细度比,径长比(指流线型飞机机身长度同宽度的比例)

    In women the ring finger is commonly shorter or the same length as the index finger , while in men the ring finger is generally longer .