
  • 网络platini;Michel Platini
  1. 这加大了地区足联做出回应的压力,尤其是米歇尔•普拉蒂尼(MichelPlatini)领导的欧足联(Uefa)。普拉蒂尼曾谈到过改革的必要性。

    This puts all the more pressure on the national football federations to respond , notably the European body - Uefa - led by Michel Platini who has talked about the need for reform .

  2. 瑞士司法部长在一份声明中表示,法国金融检察机关就一笔200万瑞士法郎的支付搜查了法国足协的办公室,据称这笔钱是布拉特支付给前欧足联主席米歇尔•普拉蒂尼(MichelPlatini)的。

    The Swiss attorney-general said in a statement that French financial prosecutors searched the federation 's office in relation to a Sfr2m payment Mr Blatter allegedly made to Michel Platini , football 's former European chief .

  3. 此前,两人成为瑞士总检察长米夏埃尔劳贝尔(MichaelLauber)的调查对象。劳贝尔就国际足联2011年支付给普拉蒂尼的一笔款项启动了刑事调查。

    The suspensions came after the two men came under the scrutiny of Michael Lauber , Switzerland 's attorney-general , who opened a criminal investigation into a payment from Fifa to Mr Platini in 2011 .

  4. 这项决定也意味着,掌握FIFA的大权长达17年的布拉特时代将会以这种耻辱的方式结束。而普拉蒂尼打算于明年2月接替79岁的布拉特这一希望也最终宣告破灭。

    The decision means that Blatter 's 17 years at the helm of world soccer will end in disgrace , and spells the end of Platini 's hopes of replacing the 79-year-old Swiss in a presidential election in February .

  5. 欧洲足联公然抗命之前,国际足联道德委员会作出了暂停普拉蒂尼和国际足联主席塞普布拉特(SeppBlatter)职务90天的决定,两人在足球这个行当的职业生涯面临结束。

    Europe 's defiance came after Mr Platini and Sepp Blatter , the Fifa president , faced the end of their careers in football following their suspension for 90 days by Fifa 's ethics committee .

  6. 不过,布拉特表示,这一协议却被欧洲足联(UEFA)主席米歇尔渠拉蒂尼(MichelPlatini)打乱了。在时任法国总统的尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)干预后,普拉蒂尼及其三位盟友把票投给了卡塔尔。

    But Mr Blatter said the pact had been disturbed by Michel Platini , head of European football 's governing body , who voted for Qatar together with three of his allies , after an intervention by Nicolas Sarkozy , the then French president .

  7. 能与普拉蒂尼和齐达内比较我感到非常荣幸。

    I feel very proud to be compared to Zidane and Michel Platini .

  8. 译文迭戈很高兴自己能与尤文图斯的传奇普拉蒂尼和齐达内比较。

    Diego is delighted with comparisons with Juventus legends Zinedine Zidane and Michel Platini .

  9. 由于这笔引发争议的付款,布拉特和普拉蒂尼自今年10月开始被暂时停职。

    Blatter and Platini had both been provisionally banned since October because of the controversial payment .

  10. 他是在普拉蒂尼遭停职后接班的。此外,比利亚尔在周二还被任命2018年世界杯组委会的负责人。

    He was also put in charge of the 2018 World Cup organising committee on Tuesday .

  11. 国际足联道德委员会还对布拉特和普拉蒂尼分别处以5万和8万瑞士法郎的罚款。

    FIFA 's Ethics Committee also fined Blatter 50000 Swiss francs and Platini 80000 Swiss francs .

  12. 这一禁令很可能使普拉蒂尼在明年2月国际足联选举新主席时接替布拉特职务的努力偏离轨道。

    The ban will likely derail Platini 's bid to succeed Blatter when elections are held in February .

  13. 布拉特和普拉蒂尼都否认自己有不当行为,并表示将向国际足联上诉委员会提起上诉。

    Both have denied any wrongdoing and are almost certain to challenge the decision in FIFA 's Appeals Committee .

  14. 在两人被“禁足”之前,国际足联在2011年2月向普拉蒂尼支付200万瑞士法郎一事被曝光。

    The two men were banned after a Sfr2m payment from Fifa to Mr Platini in February 2011 came to light .

  15. 德国媒体最先披露此事,据说是普拉蒂尼的私人文件被曝光。

    The idea has been reported by Germany 's Bild newspaper , which claims to have leaked documents drawn up by Platini .

  16. 但法国名宿普拉蒂尼认为,英足总的责任应该是从本土候选人中选择一名取代麦克拉伦。

    But French legend Platini feels the onus is on the FA to select a home-grown candidate to take over from mcclaren .

  17. 布拉特和普拉蒂尼都否认有任何违法行为,预计将向国际足联上诉委员会和体育仲裁法庭提出上诉。

    Both men , who have denied any wrongdoing , are expected to appeal to the FIFA appeals committee and the Court of Arbitration for Sport .

  18. 在国际足联作出这项决定之前,普拉蒂尼警告称如果他被停职,他将“不惜一切代价确保真相为众人所知”。

    Before the ruling , Mr Platini warned that if he was suspended he would " stop at nothing to ensure that the truth is known . "

  19. 11月18日,被国际足联道德委员会停职的国际足联主席布拉特和欧洲足联主席普拉蒂尼提出申诉,但遭驳回。

    On November 18 , suspended FIFA president Sepp Blatter and European football chief Michel Platini lost their appeals against provisional 90-days bans by the FIFA ethics committee .

  20. 布拉特和普拉蒂尼的“禁足”期最初将为90天,但可在不举行听证会的情况下延长45天。

    Mr Blatter and Mr Platini 's suspensions from all football activities will last for an initial 90 days , but can be extended for 45 more days without a hearing .

  21. 普拉蒂尼被认为是法国最伟大的球员之一,他在19世纪80年代达到了职业生涯的巅峰期,球场上身披10号球衣的他无所不能。

    Platini is regarded as one of greatest French players of all time with the peak of his career coming in the1980s when he starred as a multi-talented , goal-scoring No.10 .

  22. 国际足联道德委员会禁止四面楚歌的足联主席布拉特和他一度大力提携的普拉蒂尼8年内涉足足球运动。

    The ethics committee of football 's ( ( soccer ) ) governing body FIFA has banned embattled President Sepp Blatter and his one-time protege from the sport for eight years .

  23. 米歇尔。普拉蒂尼希望让小球队能够获得更多的机会,而且准备让国内杯赛的冠军也能够进入冠军联赛。

    Michel Platini is asking for more space for the small sides and would like to see the domestic cup winners have the possibility to enter the Champions League as well .

  24. 布拉特的律师和普拉蒂尼都表示,瑞士总检察长调查的这笔款项用于普拉蒂尼在1998年至2002年代表国际足联开展的“合法工作”。

    Both Mr Blatter 's lawyers and Mr Platini have said the payment under scrutiny was for " legitimate work " carried out by the Frenchman on Fifa 's behalf from 1998 to 2002 .

  25. 尽管两人都表示,这笔付款是为普拉蒂尼在1998年至2002年为国际足联开展工作所支付的报酬,但在国际足联的账目中没有任何有关这笔付款的合同和记录。

    While both men said the payment was for work carried out by Mr Platini for Fifa between 1998 and 2002 , there was no contract and no record of the payment in Fifa 's accounts .

  26. 普拉蒂尼在一份声明中称,他“心中有一种深深的、坚定的抗命感”。他补充称,这一行动是为了“粉碎”他竞选国际足联主席的努力。

    In a statement , Mr Platini said he was " driven by a profound feeling of staunch defiance , " adding that the action was designed to " crush " his campaign to be Fifa president .

  27. 该委员会星期一就布拉特在2011年向欧洲足协主席普拉蒂尼支付200万美元的问题宣布了上述禁令。

    The committee took the action against Blatter and Michel Platini , the head of the Union of European Football Association ( ( UEFA ) ) on Monday over a $ 2 million payment Blatter made to Platini in 2011 .

  28. 这笔钱的支付时间为2011年2月,尽管布拉特和普拉蒂尼称这笔费用是补发普拉蒂尼在1998年到2002年为国际足联所做的工作,但双方都拿不出合同,国际足联的账目上也没有支付记录。

    While Mr Blatter and Mr Platini say the payment , made in February 2011 , was back pay for work Mr Platini carried out for Fifa between 1998 and 2002 , there was no contract and no record of the payment in Fifa 's accounts .