
  1. 这张菜单,大小尺寸和一张普通明信片相差无几。据说是1912年,泰坦尼克号从南安普顿作首次航行出发时,泰坦尼克号二副为他的妻子所准备的。

    The menu , the size of a postcard , was thought to have been given by the ship 's second officer to his wife before he left Southampton on the vessel 's doomed maiden voyage in1912 .

  2. 被偷走的不只是一张普通的明信片,而是哈利波特前传的珍贵手稿,所以作家JK·罗琳不希望你去购买。

    It is not just a normal postcard , but a rare ' Harry Potter ' prequel handwritten that has been stolen and so , its author JK Rowling doesn 't want you to buy it .