
  • 网络General Out-patient Service
  1. 结果整形美容手术患者SAS均分值及阳性率均明显高于普通门诊手术患者(P<0.01);

    Results The average score and positive rate of SAS of patients with orthopedics was higher than those of patients with ordinary outpatient operation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 普通门诊止痛用药不足状况分析

    An Analysis of Insufficient Analgesic Use in General Clinic

  3. 大型综合性医院普通门诊预约流程体会

    Experience on out-patient appointment process in large general hospital

  4. 方法在我院普通门诊病人中按就诊比例及不同年龄段随机调查1054例,进行血压检测和问卷调查。

    Methods A survey of1054 outpatients with different ages was earriedout by blood pressure measurement and answer of questionnaires .

  5. 在概述了国外医院的疾病诊疗模式后,总结了我国医院当前存在的三种门诊服务模式,即普通门诊、专家门诊和专病门诊。

    In an overview of the disease treatment model of foreign hospitals , summary of three models of common out-patient clinics , specialist clinics and disease-oriented outpatient .

  6. 普通门诊看病时,医疗费用由个人现金支付,但个人医疗帐户仍按月正常注资。

    When average outpatient service sees a doctor , medical treatment charge by individual out-of-pocket expense , but account of individual medical treatment still is noted normally by the month endowment .

  7. 设立家庭病床期间,到其他医疗机构检查、复查、化验或因其他疾病需医治配药的,应作普通门诊处理,否则基金不予支付。

    During establishing domestic sickbed , check to other medical establishment , check , assay or need cure dispensation because of other disease , should make processing of average outpatient service , otherwise fund does not grant to pay .

  8. 这对如何通盘考虑门诊大病和普通门诊统筹两项制度安排,妥善解决参保人员的门诊费用,使有限的医疗保险基金得到有效利用提出了要求。

    This is how to take into consideration the serious illness and general out-patient clinic of the two systems co-ordination arrangements , properly solve the out-patient insured costs , so that the limited medical insurance fund has been set forth requirements for effective use .

  9. 方法:对109例普通妇科门诊患者取宫颈拭子做解脲支原体(UU)液体培养,并取阴道分泌物做常规化验,记录患者年龄、妊娠史、IUD、宫颈及阴道情况。

    Methods : 109 gynecologic cases were collected from our nomal gynecologic clinic . Swabs taken from cervix were cultured by commercial UU selective liquid medium .

  10. 医院管理局会在未来数年,分阶段接办卫生署余下的普通科门诊服务。

    The remaining clinics will be transferred in phases in the next few years .

  11. 政府在二零零一至零二年度推行试验计划,由医院管理局接办五家普通科门诊诊所。

    Five general out-patient clinics are being transferred to the Hospital Authority in 2001-02 under a pilot scheme .

  12. 心理咨询门诊与普通专科门诊抽样对照分析我院心理咨询门诊1000例分析

    A sampled comparative study of cases with first visit to psycho-counseling clinics and psychiatric clinics Analysis of 1000 Outpatients With Psychological Consultation

  13. 普通科门诊诊所每次诊症收费37元,专科诊所则为44元。

    A consultation at a general out-patient clinic is charged at $ 37 , while a specialist consultation is charged at $ 44 per session .

  14. 从家庭健康、长者健康、学生健康、卫生防护中心、健康教育、诊所服务、普通科门诊,介绍了香港基层健康服务的范畴。

    This article introduced the domain of the primary health care in Hong Kong : family health care , student health care , prevention center , health education , clinic service and general clinic .

  15. 慢性阻塞性肺病上消化道病变发病机制探讨普通人群与门诊患者幽门螺杆菌免疫型的对比研究

    STUDY ON PATHOGENESIS OF UPPER DIGESTIVE TRACT DISEASES IN CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE The association and mechanism of Helicobacter pylori immune types with the upper digestive tract diseases in Shunde region