
  1. 药品收入构成为所有服务站的第一位。

    Education and income . the first earning is medicine .

  2. 控制住院药品收入在医院总收人中的比例对住院收入和药品费用的影响

    Effects of Drug Proportion Control on Inpatient Service Income and Drug Expense

  3. 目的:分析医院药品收入下降的原因。

    Objective : To analyze the factors to influence the reduction of drug income .

  4. 抗感染药物收入占药品收入的26.2%;

    The income from anti infective agents occurred 26.2 % of total income of hospital .

  5. 从收入结构看,村卫生室药品收入为其主要收入。

    From the structure of income , drug sales are the main source of income .

  6. 乡村医生报酬主要依靠业务收入,而业务收入的90%是药品收入。

    They are payed most by medical service , 90 per come from drug sale .

  7. 实施医药收支分别核算控制药品收入比例

    Implement Separate Calculation of Pharmaceutical Revenues and Expenses , and Control the Proportion of Pharmaceutical Revenues

  8. 药品收入构成比降低前后的药品应用对比分析

    Comparative analysis on drugs application before and after composition proportion of income from drugs is reduced

  9. 结果:抗菌药物收入总额占药品收入总额的比例为21.57&25.01%;

    Result : The percentage of antibiotics income out of the total medication income was 21.57-25.01 % .

  10. 我院实施限制药品收入比例效果分析与协调办法探讨

    Analysis on the Effect of Restricting Pharmacy Income Proportion in Our Hospital and Discussion of Coordinating Method

  11. 我院降低药品收入构成比及有关的医疗经济分析

    Reduction of the component ratio of the drag income and analysis of related medical economy in our hospital

  12. 与此同时,药品收入在中国医院总收入中的比重达41%。

    At the same time , drug revenue accounted for 41 percent of total hospital revenue in China .

  13. 文章分析了当前医院对药品收入管理方面的缺陷,以及存在问题的原因。

    An analysis is made here of the existing problems about the drug sales revenue control and their causes .

  14. 在财政补助收入大幅增加的情况下,乡镇卫生院对药品收入的依赖程度有所降低。

    It is found that township hospitals were in deficit excluding drug income and expenditure , and the deficit was growing .

  15. 前者的高收入比较依赖于药品收入,而后者则主要依赖政府财政补助和医疗服务收入。

    The former mainly relies on drug income , and the latter is mainly dependent on government financial assistance and medical services .

  16. 在目前“三项改革”尚未全部落实到位情况下,药品收入仍是医院的重要收入来源。

    In the context of the total income control , the medical costs , financial subsidy and income from drugs will be considered in a comprehensive way .

  17. 长期以来,基层医疗卫生机构补偿来源由三部分组成:政府补助收入、医疗服务收费和药品收入。

    For a long time , the fund of the primary medical and health institutions consist of three parts : government subsidy , medical service and medicine charges .

  18. 研究发现,乡镇卫生院药品收入占总收入的80.35%;

    It shows that most of the revenue of the township hospitals comes from drug revenue , and account for 80 . 35 % of the gross revenue .

  19. 我们通过对①我院药品收入构成比的变化趋势分析,由2001年1-6月药品收入构成比为48.1%,到2002年同期降低到38.7%。

    Analyses conducted in our hospital indicate that the component ratio of the drug income fell from 48.1 % in January through June , 2001 to 38.7 % one year later ;

  20. 在政府投入、药品收入的补偿能力不断下降的情况下,利用非基本医疗服务盈利作为补偿渠道是卫生改革的必然趋势。

    Due to the declining of the compensation capacity of government subsidy and profit of selling drags , it is the trend to use the profits from the non basic medical service as compensation method .

  21. 医院总收入结构变化的分析,2002年1-6月医院总收入比2001年同期下降了5.3%,其中药品收入降低了23.7%,而医疗收入增长了11.8%。

    The hospital 's overall income in January through June , 2002 dropped 5.3 % as compared with the same period of 2001 , with the drug income dropping 23.7 % and the medical treatment income rising 11.8 % ;

  22. 控制药品收入构成比的重点是抗微生物感染药物及有关的辅助治疗药物,同时要控制单一品牌应用金额较大的药物。

    The key to control the composition proportion of income from drugs is the drugs for antimicrobial infection and the relevant drugs for adjuvant treatment ; meanwhile , the single brand drugs with larger application amount should also be controlled .

  23. 解决当前医疗体系中分配不合理问题,适当提高挂号、手术、诊疗等收费标准,降低药品收入在医院总收入中所占的比例。

    The current irrational distribution in medical system should be resolved , the standards for registration fee , operation fee and fees for diagnosis and treatment be increased properly , and the income proportion from drugs in total income of hospital be reduced .

  24. 建立医疗机构合理补偿机制的关键在于调整收入结构中医疗技术服务部分.即控制药品收入。

    The key to establishing reasonable compensatory mechanism in the medical institution is to adjust the medical technical service price in the hospital s receipts structure , i.e. , to control the drug receipts and raise the proportion of receipts from medical technical service .

  25. 结果1.抽样调查的9所中医医疗机构业务收入在增长,但亏损在扩大。与同级综合医疗机构相比,中医医疗机构的药品收入占业务总收入比例不占优势。

    Results 1.The business income of the sampled nine Chinese medicine hospital grows , but the loss is expanded . Compared with the same level comprehensive hospital , the medicine income of Chinese medicine hospital accounted for the proportion of total income is not dominant .

  26. 其中,减轻患者负担、降低药品收入比例、增加中高级医师比例、适当调整医院经营规模、提高治疗病人有效率等都是现阶段提高医院经营效率的有效途径。

    At present , lessening the burden of patients , decreasing the ratio of medicine revenue , increasing the ratio of high level doctors , adjusting the operation scale of hospital and increasing the validity of treatment are all valid channels to increase hospital ′ s operation efficiency .

  27. 中药收入占药品总收入的22.73%;

    The percent of income of TCM in the total income of drug was 22.73 % ;

  28. 从1954年开始,公立医院的补偿渠道主要包括财政补助、医疗服务收费和药品加成收入三个部分。

    The compensation channels mainly include financial assistance , medical services fees and income from pharmaceuticals three parts in public hospital .

  29. 建国以来,我国公立医院的补偿主要有服务收费、药品加成收入和政府补助三种渠道。

    Since the founding of our country , the compensation of public hospitals in China mainly include service charges , drug addition revenue and Government subsidies .

  30. 我国公立医院获得补偿的主要渠道是医疗服务收入,政府补助收入和药品加成收入。

    In the public hospitals in China , there are three compensation ways for hospital expenditures : medical care revenue , drug revenue and government subsidies .