
  1. 本研究通过文献分析、调查分析、药事服务成本测算等方法探索了县级中医医院中医药特色服务发展面临的问题,并探索扭转以药补医机制的可行性及补偿模式。

    Literature analysis , investigation analysis , cost estimation of Pharmacy Services are used to features problems faced in the development of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals at county level , and explore the feasibility of compensation model .

  2. 对医院药品结余的合理程度进行分析与界定,可在目前以药补医政策下,为确定医院应取得多少药品收益提供定量的方法依据。

    Analyzing and making certain rational degree of drug balance of hospitals offers a quantitative method fixing on the amount of drug balance that a hospital should gain according the current policy of using drug income to mend medicine loss .