
  • 网络Bani Israil
  1. “以色列的后裔们的警官们被痛击”

    " And the officers of the children of Israel were beaten "

  2. 他仆人以色列的后裔,他所拣选雅各的子孙哪,你们要记念他奇妙的作为和他的奇事,并他口中的判语。

    O ye seed of Israel his servant , ye children of Jacob , his chosen ones .

  3. 以色列的后裔,都必因耶和华得称为义,并要夸耀。

    In the Lord will all the seed of Israel get their rights , and they will give glory to him .

  4. 你们敬畏耶和华的人要赞美他!雅各的后裔都要荣耀他!以色列的后裔都要惧怕他!

    You who fear the lord , praise him ! All you descendants of jacob , honor him ! Revere him , all you descendants of israel !

  5. 这些定例若能在我面前废掉,以色列的后裔也就在我面前断绝,永远不再成国。这是耶和华说的。

    If those ordinances depart from before me , saith the LORD , then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever .

  6. 雅各的后裔,都要荣耀他。以色列的后裔,都要惧怕他。

    Ye that fear the LORD , praise him ; all ye the seed of Jacob , glorify him ; and fear him , all ye the seed of Israel .

  7. 有些人认为普什图人是一支早已失落的以色列部落的后裔,面对此情此景,父亲则说:“看起来,我们就像是要离开埃及的以色列人一样,但我们缺了摩西领路。”

    Some people believe that the Pashtuns descend from one of the lost tribes of Israel , and my father said , ' It is as though we are the Israelites leaving Egypt , but we have no Moses to guide us . '

  8. 却要指着那领以色列家的后裔从北方和赶他们到的各国中上来,永生的耶和华起誓。他们必住在本地。

    But , by the living lord , who took up the seed of israel , and made them come out of the North country , and from all the countries where I had sent them ; and they will be living in the land which is theirs .