
  1. 那时,约书亚在以巴路山上为耶和华以色列的神筑一座坛。

    Then Joshua built on Mount Ebal an altar to the LORD , the God of Israel .

  2. 流便、迦得、亚设、西布伦、但、拿弗他利.六个支派的人、都要站在以巴路山上宣布咒诅。

    And these tribes shall stand on Mount Ebal to pronounce curses : Reuben , Gad , Asher , Zebulun , Dan and Naphtali .

  3. 你们过了约但河、就要在以巴路山上照我今日所吩咐的、将这些石头立起来、墁上石灰。

    And when you have crossed the Jordan , set up these stones on Mount Ebal , as I command you today , and coat them with plaster .

  4. 及至耶和华你的神领你进入要去得为业的那地,你就要将祝福的话陈明在基利心山上,将咒诅的话陈明在以巴路山上。

    And when the LORD your God has taken you into the land of your heritage , you are to put the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount ebal .