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  1. 而大部分安卓设备则做不到如此高度的优化,以安卓平板电脑为例,这也许就是它还赶不上苹果iPad的原因。

    Most devices powered by Android are not as highly optimised - which helps to explain why Android tablets , for instance , have yet to catch up with Apple 's iPad .

  2. 以安钢焦化厂进厂精煤为研究对象,建立了煤全分析中Y-G回归方程。

    Y & G regression equations of coal total analysis have been established by researching cleaned coal .

  3. 研究结果表明,以安农标810S为基因供体可转育植株淡黄色标记性状表达稳定的新不育系。

    The research shows that using " Annong Mark 810S " to gene donor can transfer to a new sterile line which plant marked yellowish and character express stable .

  4. 公司治理与财务危机&以安隆事件为例

    The Relation of Corporate Governance and Financial Crisis & The Case Study of Enron

  5. 以安替吡啉为端基的开链王冠类似物铀络合物的合成

    Complex syntheses of open-chain crown compounds with end groups of antipyrines and uranyl nitrate

  6. 文章以安亭煤气厂的液化石油气气化站的例子,探讨了贮罐等的置换方法。

    Taking Anting gas works LPG station as an example to discuss tank displacement ways .

  7. 展现在你眼前的是以安谋国际科技打头的一长串公司。

    You do , however , get a list of stocks beginning with arm holdings .

  8. 治疗组以安胃饮汤加减治疗,每日一剂;

    The treatment group ( 30 cases ) was treated with " An Wei Yin " Decoction orally .

  9. 以安钢板坯连铸机结晶器为原型,进行了水力模型实验。

    According to the design of slab mould at AISC , a series of hydraulic model experiments were made .

  10. 以安祖花的叶片、叶柄、带腋芽茎段为外植体进行组织培养,对其快速繁殖进行了研究。

    To establish the technical system of rapid propagation , the young leaves , petioles , and stems with buds of Anthurium andraeanum were cultured .

  11. 该矿床属于以安山质岩浆为母岩浆的矿(岩)浆矿床(主要)和热液矿床(次要)的复合型矿床。

    Hence , this deposit is a polygenetic ore magmatic deposit ( predominant ) and hydrothermal deposit ( subordinate ), with the andesitic magma as primary magma .

  12. 笔者在论文中以安部公房的小说文本为研究依据,在论文结构上形成疏离主题与归属主题对照论证的两大体系。

    Based on the novel text of Kobo Abe as the research basis , the thesis writer has formed two big theme comparison demonstration systems of " Alienation " and " Attribution " .

  13. 本文以安晋公路浅埋隧道为研究对象,介绍了该隧道项目的水文地质条件、隧道围岩情况、隧道的设计施工情况以及隧道开挖监控量测的相关工作。

    An-Jin shallow tunnel as research object in this paper . Introducing the hydrological and geological conditions , the rock conditions , design and construction of the tunnel and the purpose of monitoring and measurement of the tunnel and the equipment used .

  14. 在肥育期增长率、饲料报酬和单位增重效益等重要指标上,均以安秦蒙组相对最高,因而红安格斯可做为当地肉牛三元杂交之首选终端父本。

    The growth rate , feed efficiency and profit of body weight gain of A × Q × M were the highest among all crossbreds , therefore , Red Angus could be used as the terminal sire of three-way crossbreeding with local cattle .

  15. 以安全裕度统计法定义为前提,完全可以把线圈间的电场强度(不含端部,中断点等特殊点)简化为平板电容器形式的场强计算。

    On the premise of safe margin statistic definition , the calculation of electric field strength between coils , not including butts of coils , interruption points and other special points else , could be simply handled in the same way as plate-capacitor does .

  16. 谷歌之前发布的GoogleNow和GoogleNowOnTop以公司安卓软件为平台,为用户提供一系列预测功能。为了同谷歌等竞争对手相抗争,苹果系统更新尤为重要。

    The refreshes are also vital to keep Apple in step with competitors like Google , whose Google Now and Google Now On Top features provide predictive capabilities to users of phones that run on the company 's Android software .

  17. 埃达克岩(adakite)是一种特殊的岛弧安山岩、英安岩、流纹岩(以英安岩最常见)或英云闪长岩和奥长花岗岩。

    Adakite is a special kind of island arc andesite , dacite and rhyolite ( mainly dacite ) or tonalite and trondhjemite .

  18. 方法:以复方安替威的主要入血成分绿原酸和黄芩苷为考察指标,用HPLC测定含量,确定大孔树脂法富集复方安替威血中移行成分的最佳工艺条件。

    Method : Based on HPLC , using chlorogenic acid and baicalin which are the main constituents absorbed in the blood as the marker substance , the best technical process of macropore absorbed resin was evaluated by the quantity of two compounds in the collected part .

  19. 比尔:明天我要来,以备安找我。

    Tom : I 'll come tomorrow if Ann wants me .

  20. 加快农业商品基地建设&以高安市为例

    Construction of Farm Commodity Base & Taking Gao'an City As an Example

  21. 本周我们以位于安阿伯的密西根大学为例。

    Our example this week is the University of Michigan in Ann arbor .

  22. 小流域集水效率的试验研究&以山东安口小流域为例

    Experimental Study on Rainwater Harvesting in Small Valley

  23. 咸丰时期老人居住方式的考察&以《安祺佐领咸丰七年清查户口人丁清册》为据

    Investigation of the Living Ways of the Aged in the Period of Emperor Xian Feng

  24. 介绍以“安导元”为基础的变极电机设计方法。

    A design method based on ampere-conductor-unit for variable-pole motor is introduced in this paper .

  25. 人口外流与村级治理困境&以豫东安村为例

    Outflow of Labor Force and Dilemma of Village Managing & Take a Village in the East of Henan Province as Example

  26. 典籍译者主体性的哲学阐释学观照&以易安词英译为例

    A Study on Subjectivity of Chinese Classics Translators from the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics : & Exemplified by English Translation of Yi ' an Ci-Poems

  27. 郯庐断裂带中生代火山活动主要发生在早白垩世,形成了一套以橄榄安粗岩系为主的火山岩。

    Mesozoic volcanic activities of the Tan Lu fault zone mainly appeared in Early Cretaceous and resulted in a set of volcanic rocks characterized by shoshonite series .

  28. 以痊愈安舒,使城中的人得医治,又将丰盛的平安和诚实显明与他们。

    Behold , I will bring it health and cure , and I will cure them , and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth .

  29. 以高安市为例,分析农业商品基地建设的重要意义以及提出加快农业商品基地建设的对策和思路。

    This paper , taking Gao'an City as an example , analyzes the significance of the construction of farm commodity base and puts forward some strategies for the construction .

  30. 基于成功度模糊综合评价的土地整理后效评价研究&以寿县安丰塘镇土地整理项目为例

    Research on Ex-post Evaluation of Land Consolidation Project Based on Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluating Method for Successful Degree & Taking land consolidation project of An Feng-tang Town of Shou city for example