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  1. 他说,贾勒特及其团队静静地听着,但“并未透露太多东西”——也未透露一项关乎跨性别权利的总统令数月前便在筹划之中,不日即将颁布的事实。

    Ms. Jarrett and her team , he said , listened politely , but " did not reveal much , " including the fact that a legal directive on transgender rights that had been in the works for months was about to be released .

  2. 如果你是一位老师,你对工作的热忱,你的努力与爱心,是令你数不尽的学生对你尊敬与爱戴的。

    If Yes , you are someone who is doing a great job , always being respected and loved by countless of your students .