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líng hú
  • Linghu
令狐 [líng hú]
  • (1) [Linghu]∶古地名,在今山西临猗县一带

  • (2) 复姓

令狐[líng hú]
  1. 围城之急解除了,令狐潮的军队溃败逃离。

    The siege was lifted and general Linghu 's army fled the field .

  2. 令狐潮以为是敌人趁着夜色突袭,于是赶紧命令弓箭手将骤雨般的箭射向那些沿着城墙下降的物体。

    General Linghu thought the enemy was launching a surprise night offensive and ordered his archers to shower the figures descending the walls with arrows .

  3. 令狐补充先生写了一篇《科幻世界的魔幻现实》,对科幻世界杂志的问题作了一些有趣的叙述。

    Linghu added an article written by Mr. " science fiction fantasy world , reality " on the Science Fiction World magazine , gave some interesting narrative .

  4. 第二天晚上,唐朝军队故伎重演,令狐潮认为又是敌人的诡计,命其部下不予理会。

    The next night the Tang again lowered the dummies but General Linghu ordered his men to ignore them believing it was the same trick to get more arrows .