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  • 网络Xiacun;sawali
  1. 浙东平原乡村人居林建设模式探讨&以浙江省余姚市小路下村为例

    Discussion on the Optimum Modes of Rural Habitat Forest in Eastern Zhejiang Plain

  2. 制度嵌入下村干部双面代理的困境

    The Village Cadres Facing the Plight of " Double Agent " Under Embedded Politics

  3. 村民自治条件下村党组织领导方式的转变

    The Transformation of Leads the Ways That the Village Party Organization Takes under the Villagers Autonomous Condition

  4. 对2010年农村老年健康体检实行下村服务,并与2009年实施医院内体检程序相比较。

    In2010 , we provide the medical examination into the village , and compare the procedures with those in2009 in the hospital .

  5. 结果表明,下村农场坡地赤红壤的质地较粗,土壤的团聚体含量较高,土壤的孔隙性较差;

    Results indicate that the soil structure of slope land of the farm is characterized by having a coarser texture , higher aggregation , and poorer porosity .

  6. 这些特色店铺记载著牛头角下村居民的回忆和生活习惯,这些小径是希望把这些特色给参观者。

    The feature shops recorded the memory and human habitation in Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate . A pedestrian walkway is designed to connect these feature shops for visitor .

  7. 接下来,本文对村治中的行政组织系统及其运行机制做了梳理,在这种组织系统的运行下村治的具体实施情况也是不得不提及的。

    Next , this article the village in the administrative organization system and its operation mechanism and made a comb , in this organization system operating under the specific implementation of the village also have to mention .

  8. 虽然村干部的整体素质得到了提高,但是同时我们也应该看到在当前的新形势下村干部队伍中的仍存在的许多问题与不足,村干部的素质仍然需要亟待提高。

    Although the overall quality of the village is improved , but at the same time , we should also see the village in the team still exist many problems and defects , we also need to improve our quality .

  9. 据报道,位于华北的河北省的卢龙县里村民很穷,过去经常敲下村里部分城墙上青灰色的厚砖拿去盖房,而且刻有汉字的砖被当地居民卖到30元(4.80美元)一块。

    Poor villagers in Lulong county in the northern province of Hebei used to knock thick grey bricks from a section of wall in their village to build homes , and slabs engraved with Chinese characters were sold for 30 yuan ( $ 4.80 ) each by local residents , it said 。

  10. 基于GIS的城市化背景下的村域农用地评价

    Evaluation of Farm Land under Urbanization Based on GIS

  11. 重点通过对下庄村的资源进行SWOT分析,试图得到一种古村落保护性的改造策略。

    Wencheng County , Wenzhou City , attempts to get a renewal strategy of protecting ancient village by SWOT analysis of Xiazhuang Village .

  12. 新农村建设视角下的村干部问题研究

    Construction of New Rural Village Cadres from the Perspective of Research

  13. 公众参与视阈下城中村改造模式建构

    Model Structure in Reconstruction Village-in-city under Visual Angel of Public Participation

  14. 政府推动下的村治进程

    Villagers ' Self - government Propelled by the Government

  15. 城市孤岛后山坡&山地条件下城中村的空间解析

    " Urban Isolate Island " , Back Hillside : Spatial Analysis of Urban Village in Mountainous Region

  16. 下梅村下梅村位于福建省武夷山,因处梅溪下游而得名,小村子不大,山清水秀。

    Xiamei village Locating in the Wuyi city , Fujian province , Xiamei village is small but has beautiful landscapes .

  17. 每个时期的治理都有其特征表现,并且每个时期的治理特征在其背景下的村干部角色的表现并不相同。

    Each period has its characteristics of governance , and the performance of village officials is not the same in each period .

  18. 但要证实还得走半里路下到村里去。那路他觉得似乎太长。

    Most likely he had gone for a glass of beer Martin decided , but the half-mile walk down to the village to find out seemed a long journey to him .

  19. 村民自治下,村党支部和村委会应该如何运作,才能在有效地保证党支部领导核心作用的同时,保障村委会职能的充分发挥,是一个迫切需要解决的理论和现实问题。

    Under villager autonomy , how should party branch and village committee operate , while guaranteeing leading nucleus function of party branch effectively , and ensuring village committee to play full functions ?

  20. 自1980年以来,随着社会经济的分化,各种民间组织重新兴起,并在村民自治的背景下成为村治中的重要力量。

    Since 1980s , with the disintegration of social economy , various folk organization have been in the remaking and become the significant power of village governance on the background of village self-governance .

  21. 乡政主体能够在制度框架下与村治主体互动是农村基层政治文明最基本的要求,也是未来农村基层政治发展的方向。

    The main body of the Township Government in the institutional framework and rural governance the main interaction is the most basic requirements of rural grass-roots political civilization , the future development of rural grass-roots political direction .

  22. 罗浮山下梅花村始于南宋淳佑四年(1244),这一名称同样源于苏轼的咏梅作品。

    Likewise , the appellation of the Mei Flower Village at Luofu Mountain dating back to the fourth year of the Chunxi reign in the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1244 ) is also clearly inspired by Su 's poem .

  23. H村私营企业主协会是在协作网络的基础上,在村庄精英的推动下由H村的个体私营企业主自发成立的,兼具经济功能和社会功能,行业性和乡上性的合作组织。

    Association of Private Entrepreneurs in Village H based on collaborative networks and promoted by village elites , is set up spontaneously by entrepreneurs .

  24. 村民们把自己有限的资源和劳动力贡献出来,在buildOn项目的支持下,为村里的孩子们兴建学校。

    Villagers committed their own resources and labor in a buildon partnership to build the school for the children in the community .

  25. 在他的指导下,该村进行了一次大胆实验。

    With his guidance , the village took a risky experiment .

  26. 制度变迁理论视角下的中心村建设研究

    The Construction of Central Village under the Institution Change Theory

  27. 我国中西部黄土窑洞下不迁村安全开采技术

    Safety mining technology without moving villages under loessial cave-houses in Midwest of China

  28. 城市化背景下的城郊村社会阶层研究

    An Investigation into Social Hierarchies in the Outskirts Villages at the Backdrop of Urbanization

  29. 抗战语境下的丰村小说论

    On Feng Cun 's Works in the Context of Anti-Japanese War on the Novel

  30. 在当时的背景下,山西村治是一种行政理念的转变。

    At the time of the background , Shanxi village is a kind of administrative idea transformation .