首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 就象太阳下山前

    It was like just before the sun goes to bed

  2. 男人和女人必须在太阳下山前做完所有的工作,

    The men and the women had to do all their work before sunset .

  3. 与此同时,6名登山向导到达峰顶,并在下山前安装了设施。

    Meanwhile , six mountaineering guides reached the summit and installed facilities before descending .

  4. 在下山前,我们为周围的美景拍了几张像片。

    Before leaving the top of mountian , we took some pictures for the beautiful landscape around .

  5. 元以成为当世第一高手为人生目标,但是叫他耿耿于怀的是,他直至下山前都始终打不过诸葛。

    YUEN 's lifetime goal is to become the best fighter in the Martial Arts World . However , he could never beat CHU KOT before he left the clique , which bothered him enormously .

  6. 我这就登门问个好,爱丽丝说道,然后询问一下去第八格的路。太阳下山前我要赶到那里。

    ' I 'll just call in and say hello ,' Alice said ,' and ask them the way to the Eighth Square . I would like to get there before it gets dark . ' So she walked on , talking to herself as she went .