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  1. 如图31所示,报告是一个交横的项,它显示了项目和项目状态所打开的缺陷的数量。

    As shown in Figure 31 , the report is a cross tab that shows the number of defects opened by project and project status .

  2. 在寂宽的马路旁边,疏枝交横的树下,候着最后一辆搭客汽车的,只我一人。

    The street was deserted . I stood alone under a tree with an entanglement of bare branches overhead , waiting for the last bus to arrive .

  3. 这些结构通常是斜交的,而横隔板则垂直于纵梁布置。

    These structures were usually skewed with the diaphragms placed perpendicular to the longitudinal girders .