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róng huò
  • possibly;perhaps;maybe
容或 [róng huò]
  • [perhaps] 也许--用在动词前,表示对动作、行为或情况的猜测或估计,相当于也许、或许

  • 此车稍加修理,容或可用数年

  • 你把这个道理再说说,容或有益

容或[róng huò]
  1. 此等人物,小说中容或有之。

    You might find such characters in novels .

  2. 我们都整过容或隆过胸。

    We all get work done .

  3. 而5%被调查的人员表示自己已经整过容或注射过肉毒杆菌素等。

    Five per cent of those questioned said they had already had plastic surgery or injections such as Botox .

  4. 容或妖艳,容或清丽,欣然接受生命真情的彩妆。错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。

    Be it rich , be it plain , gladly accept the true color of life with delight . Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can .

  5. 病情更严重的慢性阻塞性肺疾病在美国估计影响到了三、四百万人。梅塔医生预计,多达一百万人可能需要通过手术进行某种形式的肺减容或新型的低创伤线圈疗法。

    More severe cases of COPD affect an estimated three to four million people in the U.S. Dr. Mehta estimates as many as one million may be candidates for some form of lung volume reduction through surgery or the new less-invasive coil procedure .

  6. 至生器的入容null或是空的。

    Input file content passed to generator is null or empty .

  7. 很容识破或被看穿的。他总是能看穿我的意思。

    He can always look through what I say .

  8. 幼小的儿童通常对类似毛容玩具或毛容毯等柔软的物体赶兴趣。

    Young children usually have a favorite soft object like a stuffed animal or a blanket .

  9. 储液体的容器储存液体的容皿或贮液器,如墨水柔性贮液容器跌落碰撞过程的三维数值模拟

    A container or reservoir for a liquid , such as ink . Numerical Simulation of Flexible Fluid-Filled Container during the Impact with Ground

  10. 最后,本文还给出了各种不同火药在燃烧以后其余容随密度或温度变化的函数关系。

    Finally , the covolume formulae for a variety of powders ( as functions of density or temperature ) are given at the end of the paper .

  11. 然而几乎所有的巫术崇拜者多少具有与神性更好的和容的典礼或心理实践,鼓励证悟和功效的证悟。

    Almost all Wiccans , however , have some sort of ceremony or psychological practice to better attune themselves with divinity , encouraging insight and a sense of efficacy .

  12. 从容平稳地前进或移动.一切都平稳地进展着。

    To proceed or move unhurriedly and smoothly Things are going on an even keel .

  13. 从容平稳地前进或移动.在水中挥动鳍以前进。

    To proceed or move unhurriedly and smoothly propel oneself through the water in a finning motion .

  14. 他们订立了许多生活上的规条和律例,务使一切事情井然有序,但这间整洁的屋子,却容不下耶稣或神的灵。

    They had set up so many rules and regulations in their lives to keep everything in strict order that there was no room for Jesus or the Spirit of God in their tidy house .

  15. 容美,古称容米或柘溪,也有容阳之称。

    Rong Mei , we called it Rong Mi , Zhe Xi or Rong Yang in ancient times .

  16. 6不要容快跑的逃避;不要容勇士逃脱(或译:快跑的不能逃避;勇士不能逃脱);他们在北方伯拉河边绊跌仆倒。

    Let not the swift flee away , nor the mighty man escape ; they shall stumble , and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates .