
róng rěn
  • tolerate;stand for;stand;put up with;endure;stick
容忍 [róng rěn]
  • [tolerate] 宽容;忍耐

  • 舆论将容忍几乎任何事情

  • 这种作风他不能容忍

容忍[róng rěn]
  1. 我们得互相容忍对方的小缺点。

    We have to tolerate each other 's little foibles .

  2. 美国的顾客不再容忍劣等货了。

    American customers no longer tolerate shoddy goods .

  3. 我无法容忍虐待动物的人。

    I can 't stand people who are cruel to animals .

  4. 工厂的噪声达到了难以容忍的地步。

    Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level .

  5. 我不能容忍老有人打岔。

    I can 't stand people interrupting all the time .

  6. 这位新教师不会容忍任何无礼行为。

    The new teacher won 't stand for any nonsense .

  7. 他们学会了容忍对方的缺点。

    They learned to live with each other 's imperfections .

  8. 我再也不能容忍他们抽烟了。

    I 'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer .

  9. 你的无礼我已经受够了——我不会再容忍下去了!

    I 'm sick of your rudeness ─ I won 't have it any longer !

  10. 只要工人继续容忍这种恶劣的劳动条件,情况就不会有任何改变。

    Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions .

  11. 决不能容忍恐怖主义。

    Terrorism can never be condoned .

  12. 他们的行为表现让人难以容忍。

    They behaved outrageously .

  13. 我觉得自己似乎犯了个不可容忍的低级错误。

    I felt as if I had made an outrageous howler .

  14. 他们对性骚扰采取绝不容忍的政策。

    They have a policy of zero tolerance for sexual harassment .

  15. 他觉得人性的弱点很可爱,但不能容忍惺惺作态。

    He finds human foibles endearing , but is unforgiving of pretension .

  16. 我不能容忍任何形式的暴力。

    I don 't condone violence in any shape or form

  17. 他有时让人难以容忍——自我中心,自我陶醉。

    He was insufferable at times — self-centred and narcissistic .

  18. 他们需要容忍不同的观点。

    They need to be tolerant of different points of view

  19. 乔安娜因其丈夫令人难以容忍的行为而离开了他。

    Joanna left her husband because of his unacceptable behaviour .

  20. 这支部队不会容忍对其实力的削弱。

    The army will brook no weakening of its power .

  21. 任何党派践踏人权的行为都不能容忍。

    Human rights abuses by any party are intolerable .

  22. 我无法容忍她在做的事。

    I couldn 't condone what she was doing .

  23. 这种行为不可容忍,必将受到惩罚。

    Such behaviour is unacceptable and will be punished .

  24. 人们可以容忍公众人物婚外的不检点行为。

    People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures .

  25. 这种残忍地对待动物的行为是任何一个文明社会都不能容忍的。

    This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society .

  26. 他对建议与批评都不能容忍。

    He was intolerant of both suggestions and criticisms .

  27. 这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。

    It 's outrageous , and we won 't stand for it any more .

  28. 不能容忍离经叛道行为。

    Deviation from the norm is not tolerated .

  29. 孩子说脏话是完全不能容忍的。

    It is totally unacceptable for children to swear

  30. 政见不和将不再被容忍。

    Political dissent would no longer be tolerated