
  • 【水】dynamic axis of flow
  1. 该河段水流的动力轴线的变化和摆动是常态。

    Changing and swing of the axis of flow power is normality .

  2. 分析了小黄洲汊道:上游段水流动力轴线的典型位置、转化周期及其对汉道演变的影响;

    The typical position of power axis of flow in the upper reach , conversion periodic and the in-fluence on the bed development of Xiao Huang Zhou Reach are analysed .

  3. 作为尝试,文中基于对水流动力轴线、自然岸线、堤防线等河势特征曲线进行系统的频率分析,提出了可用的相关判定参数。

    As an attempt in this paper , the available related judgment parameters are found based on the systematical analysis of characteristic curves of flow dynamic axis , bank line and levee line .

  4. 当小流量时水流动力轴线的位置取决于主槽的位置,当大流量时水流动力轴线的变化规律接近矩形断面的情形。

    The position of power axis of flow is determined by main channel when runoff is small , while the change law conforms with the law of rectangular section when runoff is large .

  5. 在沿江地带,根据自然演变和经济发展,提出扬州沿江地带保护自然发展动力轴线、强化经济轴线的总体布局;

    Among the agglomeration along the Yangtse River , according to the natural succession and economic development , the structure that preserving the natural development axis and strengthening the economic axis was formed .

  6. 水轮发电机组轴系动力特性分析及轴线精度检测方法研究

    Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Rotor-Bearing System of Hydropower Unit and Study on Measurement Method of Axis Precision