
  1. 英国一家连锁健身俱乐部把动感单车换成了床,以此来吸引疲惫的父母参加新推出的“睡眠课程”。

    In Britain , a chain of gyms is trading its spinning bikes for beds to attract tired parents for a new class it 's dubbing1 " napercise . "

  2. 我在BoomCycle(boomcycle.co.uk;临时上一节课的价格是16英镑)上了一节45分钟的动感单车课。

    I tried a 45-minute Boom Cycle class ( boomcycle.co.uk ; drop-in 16 per ride ) .

  3. 摇柄代表着艾利-华盛顿,他主要教动感单车和塑身课程(也叫美体definition)。

    That means Avery Washington . He mainly teaches Spinning and body sculpt , which is also known as definition .

  4. 他的上一个发明是动感单车(Spinning)健身项目(以组为基本单位,在原地骑自行车)。

    The last fitness program he invented was Spinning ® ( stationary bicycling in a group , basically ) .

  5. 如果你的运动项目是动感单车,可以考虑去Psycle或是BoomCycle,它们在市中心都各开了两家店。

    If spin classes are your exercise of choice , the big dogs in town are Psycle and Boom Cycle - with two center-city locations each .

  6. 这位《生活大爆炸》的明星保持健康身体和快乐心态的秘密来源于她平时的积极锻炼,包括骑马、动感单车、还有吃很多的燕麦。凯莉出现在SELF杂志一月封面,并在采访中透露了她简单可靠的健康小贴士。

    The Big Bang Theory star 's secrets to health and happiness include horseback riding and spinning - and eating lots of oatmeal . Kaley appears on the cover of the January issue of SELF magazine and revealed simple , no nonsense fitness tips in an informative interview .

  7. 《BJ有喜》即将上映,在日前发布的首支预告片中,升职记、狂欢节、动感单车课程,这些伦敦单身女性包揽了的活动,布里奇特·琼斯统统上演了一遍。

    Career progression , festivals and spinning classes : Bridget Jones tackles the standard activities undertaken by a single woman in London in the first trailer for forthcomingBridget Jones 's Baby .

  8. 对瑜伽、普拉提、动感单车或是别的什么感兴趣?

    Been curious about yoga , pilates , spinning , or something else ?

  9. 动感单车运动对于饮食、精神状态、睡眠都有非常不错的调节作用。

    Spinning exercise has a positive adjustment on diet , mental condition and sleep .

  10. 通过我的动感单车教练库尔特。

    Through my spin instructor Kurt .

  11. 课程以外时间段,请勿进入动感单车室。

    After the time of exercise lesson , please do not go to the sensible bicycle room .

  12. 激情劲爆的动感单车最嗨最前卫最流行的音乐,激情彻彻底底的释放。

    Madden passion of the most dynamic bicycle Hey the most cutting-edge popular music , passion thorough release .

  13. 26名志愿者参加到这项动感单车运动1小时的测试,其中男女各占一半。

    Twenty-six volunteers - half men , half women - worked out on spinning bikes for an hour .

  14. 动感单车房严禁使用拍摄、录像或带有此类功能的任何设备。

    Taking pictures with camera , recorder or other similar equipment in the sensible bicycle room are prohibited .

  15. 动感单车:号称“脂肪杀手”,在灯光音乐的配合下,让你轻松减肥。

    Spinning : so-called " killer fat ", with the light music , let you easily lose weight .

  16. 对于胆小一些的,跑步、骑自行车或动感单车课程都行。

    For the less daring , a great run , bike ride , or spinning class can do the trick .

  17. 请您于课程开始5分钟前进入动感单车室,课程开始5分钟后禁止进入。

    If exercise starts in the sensible bicycle room , 5 minutes later no people are allowed from coming in .

  18. 你有没有发现在晚上9点骑完动感单车后,只能在床上翻来覆去无法入睡?

    Have you taken a 9pm spinning class and then found yourself tossing around your bed without being able to sleep ?

  19. 有很多健身房都教授各种课程,比如动感单车、搏击操、尊巴、举重、舞蹈、踏板操、瑜伽和普拉提等等。

    Many gyms offer classes such as spin cycle , kickboxing , Zumba , weightlifting , dance , step , yoga and Pilates .

  20. 这位《生活大爆炸》的明星保持健康身体和快乐心态的秘密来源于她平时的积极锻炼,包括骑马、动感单车、还有吃很多的燕麦。

    The Big Bang Theory star 's secrets to health and happiness include horseback riding and spinning - and eating lots of oatmeal .

  21. 请穿着运动服、运动鞋进入动感单车室,请自带饮用水及毛巾。

    If you go to the sensible bicycle room , Please wear sportswear , sports shoes and bring drinking water and towel for yourself .

  22. 朋友们在谈论运动时,谈的是跑马拉松,上cross-fit健身课,或者献身于动感单车课程SoulCycle。

    When I hear friends talk about exercising , they discuss running marathons , participating in cross-fit classes or sacrificing themselves on the altar of SoulCycle .

  23. 在亚洲我看到,她们喜欢尝试不同的课程,她们做瑜珈、做动感单车训练。

    So right now in Asia they 're doing a little bit of everything , so they 're doing yoga classes , they 're doing spin classes .

  24. 隆冬之际,赛奇会让夫妻中的一人在一辆动感单车上锻炼30分钟,而另一个人则同她一起进行重量与核心训练。

    In midwinter , Ms. Sage has one of the couple spend 30 minutes on a spin bike , while the other does weight and core exercises with her .

  25. 不管是加权球、跑步机、划船机还是动感单车,他们在一分钟内竭尽全力地运动。

    Whether it 's a weighted ball , the treadmill , a rowing machine , or a stationary bike , they work as hard as they can for one minute .

  26. 研究人员研究了运动与心理健康之间的关系,发现团体运动的效果最好,骑车次之,无论是户外骑行还是在室内骑动感单车。

    Researchers looking at the link between physical activity and mental health found that team sports fared best , followed by cycling , either on the road or a stationary bike .

  27. 只有脊椎指压治疗师和理疗医师可以买到,不过它们主要还是用在有经过认证的健身教练指导的训练体系中,那也是动感单车走红的模式。

    They will be available to chiropractors and physiotherapists , but primarily they will be integrated into your workout through the certified gym-instructor network that has helped make Spinning what it is .

  28. 西安市健美操指导员的指导项目主要为瑜伽、有氧操、有氧搏击、普拉提、有氧拉丁、动感单车等,都是西安市会员所喜爱的项目。

    Aerobics instructor guiding projects mainly for yoga , aerobics , aerobic wrestle , pilates , aerobic Latin , indoor cycling etc , are all member delight project of Xi ' an .

  29. 年轻的时候,我们肆意的挥霍着我们的青春活力我多想在我膝关节疼痛之前能跑场马拉松,多骑骑自行车、多走走看看,在腿脚强健的时候多骑骑动感单车。

    The bodies of youth are wasted on the young I wish I had run a marathon before my knees ached , that I had biked more , hiked more , and took spinning classes when my legs were stronger .

  30. 年轻的时候,我们肆意的挥霍着我们的青春活力……我多想在我膝关节疼痛之前能跑场马拉松,多骑骑自行车、多走走看看,在腿脚强健的时候多骑骑动感单车。

    The bodies of youth are wasted on the young ... I wish I had run a marathon before my knees ached , that I had biked more , hiked more , and took spinning classes when my legs were stronger .