
  • 网络HOT YOGA
  1. 尽管这种瑜伽和热瑜伽相似,却存在很大的区别。

    This style is similar to hot yoga , but still different .

  2. 热瑜伽是瑜伽的重要组成部分,也是近年来广为流行、深受人们喜爱的一项运动项目。

    Hot yoga as an important part of yoga , is getting popular in recent years .

  3. 和热瑜伽挑战一样,过程非常简单。

    The Community Challenge is just as easy as the yoga challenge .

  4. 乔杜里首创了“热瑜伽”,拥有无数连锁店以及一大批执著的追随者,就连美国前总统尼克松也曾是这位瑜伽大师的顾客。

    He created bikram yoga , had a bunch of franchises and millions of fans .

  5. 有许多种类的瑜伽,但我觉得比其他风格的瑜伽热瑜伽是更好。

    There have many kind of yoga , but I think hot Yoga is better than other style yoga .

  6. 因本人马上要离开维多利亚,所以超低价出售热瑜伽课程。

    I need to leave Victoria soon , however , I still have two month unlimited hot yoga classes pass .

  7. 是啊瑜伽课是门课我选的是热瑜伽屋子里温度很高

    Yes , yoga . It 's a class . I go to the hot kind , where they heat the room .

  8. 与常温瑜伽相比,热瑜伽在心肺机能上的改善更显著,比常温瑜伽的效果更好。

    Compared with the normal temperature yoga , hot yoga on the physical function improved more significantly , better than the room yoga .

  9. 现在有热瑜伽、力量瑜伽、健身瑜伽,甚至于军营瑜伽,诱使人人去消耗身体热量。

    There 's hot yoga , power yoga , Fit Yoga , even yoga boot camps , tempting everyone to go for the burn .

  10. 萨尔梅龙最近在考虑为他的客户举办比克拉姆热瑜伽训练班,虽然只有一部分客户经常练瑜伽。

    Mr. Salmeron recently considered holding a Bikram class for his clients , though only a fraction of them are regular yoga practitioners . '

  11. 随后她发现了属于哈达瑜伽的比克拉姆热瑜伽是在加热的教室中进行的,需要更多的体力。

    Then she found Bikram or " Hot " Yoga which is a more physically demanding style of hatha yoga practiced in a heated studio .

  12. 公司另一位团队成员通过追逐婴儿,做热瑜伽和室内自行车运动也经常出汗。

    The other corporate team members sweat it out regularly , as well , by chasing babies , doing hot yoga , and indoor cycling .

  13. 除了减肥的作用外,热瑜伽对失眠、腰背痛、颈椎病、偏头痛、胃肠疾病等都有良好的改善,在年轻的白领一族和影视明星中甚为流行。

    In hot yoga are able to relieve insomnia , back pain , cervical spondylosis , migraine headaches , gastrointestinal diseases , for the young white-collar workers and movie stars .

  14. 热瑜伽凭着它可以减肥美容的良好口碑在北京、上海、深圳等大城市迅速流行起来,在其他的城市也开始出现专门的热瑜伽练习馆。

    Due to its good reputation of helping practitioners to lose weights in Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen , Hot yoga becomes popular quickly in other cities with new hot yoga center coming .

  15. 如果你有能量跑10英里,举重,再去参加“热瑜伽”锻炼,那么你可能要重新估算你投入到每一项锻炼中的努力程度了。

    If you have the energy to run 10 miles , hit the weights , and then attend Bikram yoga , you might want to re-evaluate the effort and exertion levels you 're putting into each workout .

  16. 实验通过测试、分析与研究得出以下结论:1.热瑜伽对人体体脂百分比和肌肉百分比有明显的改变,可以减少身体的脂肪含量,增加肌肉含量,但减脂的效果和常温瑜伽相比差异不大。

    Hot yoga on the body fat percentage and muscle percentage of the obvious changes that can reduce body fat , increasing muscle content , but reduced fat compared the effects of yoga and little difference at room temperature .

  17. 热瑜伽对脊柱机能的各项指标都有改善,对体重减轻,柔韧性增加也有明显的作用,但效果和常温瑜伽相比差异不大。

    Hot yoga on the body shape of the indicators have improved , weight loss , increase flexibility and improve spinal function has a significant role , but the effect and no significant difference compared to room temperature yoga . 3 .

  18. 每个人都在寻找防暑降温的办法,但“热瑜伽”的信徒却在房间里通过一系列的拉伸运动和姿势,让自己大量出汗。那些特殊设计的房间甚至比黑非洲还要热。

    While everyone else is searching for ways to cool off , devotees of " hot yoga " spend class sweating through a series of stretches and poses in a room designed to be even hotter than Africa in the summer .