
  • 网络tma;Thermomechanical Analyzer;Thermal mechanical analyzer;DMA;thermomechanical analysis
  1. 由此可以说明,动态热机械分析仪(DMA)能够确定沥青的低温性能和温度敏感性,为沥青的正确选用提供依据。

    So DMA can judge the performance at low temperature and temperature susceptibility of asphalt , which provides a criterion for selection of asphalt .

  2. 动态热机械分析仪的TMA模式表明山羊绒单纱在219℃发生收缩,在230℃发生突变伸长。

    The TMA mode of Dynamic Thermal Mechanical Analyzer shows that cashmere yarn contracts at 219 ℃ and abruptly extends at 230 ℃ .

  3. 介绍了用动态热机械分析仪测定天然橡胶(NR)硫化胶耐老化性能的原理及方法。

    The principle and the dynamic mechanical thermal analyses and application of NR vulcanizate are reviewed .

  4. 用动态热机械分析仪(DMA)测试了多个频率下老化样品的损耗因子tanδ、损耗模量半高峰宽Dh/2。

    Dynamic mechanical parameters , including loss factor tan δ and half-height width of loss modulus Dh / 2 at various frequencies , were measured by DMA .

  5. 采用动态热机械分析仪(DMA)研究了ATPU/环氧树脂胶粘剂固化物的动态热机械特性,发现ATPU-2具有更好的增韧改性作用,固化后可以获得更高的玻璃化转变温度和较高的动态弹性模量。

    The DMA study showed that the cured adhesive of ATPU-2 / E-44 system has higher glass transition temperature and dynamic modulus .

  6. 文采用热机械分析仪(TMA)分别研究了低温保护剂(CPA)和冻结速率对兔主动脉冻结相变过程中膨胀的影响。

    Utilizing the Thermal Mechanical Analyser ( TMA ), the effects of concentrations of cryoprotective agents ( CPA ) and cooling rates on thermal expansion of rabbit artery during freezing were investigated .

  7. 阐述了用动态热机械分析仪(DMTA(Ⅳ))测试高聚物动态粘弹性的原理。

    The principles of the determination of high polymers dynamic viscoelasticity by DMTA (ⅳ)( Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyses , ⅳ) were expounded .

  8. 用动态热机械分析仪表征了65℃下老化不同天数的GS-1改性双基固体推进剂的老化性能。

    The mechanical properties of GS-1 modified double-base propellant aged for various days at 65 ℃ were characterized by using the dynamic mechanical analyzer .

  9. 利用静态热机械分析仪(TMA)测定了热塑性聚酰亚胺(TPI)注塑件的热膨胀系数α,考察了TPI的各向异性、尺寸稳定性以及添加不同填料对α的影响。

    The coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE ) of thermoplastic polyimide ( TPI ) was measured by means of thermal mechanical analyzer ( TMA ) . The anisotropy , dimensional stability and the effects of different fillers on the CTE of TPI were also considered in the paper .

  10. 应用倒扭摆内耗仪、热机械分析仪和光学显微镜研究了碳和镍对铁-锰基减振合金γ→ε转变行为和阻尼性能影响。

    Effects of carbon and nickel on damping capacity and γ→ε martensite transformation behavior in Fe-Mn alloys were investigated with a reversal torsion machine , optical microscopy and TMA measurement .

  11. 采用玻璃微珠改性热塑性聚酰亚胺(PIT),考察了玻璃微珠粒径和用量对PIT力学性能的影响,并用热机械分析仪(TMA)测定了改性PIT的线胀系数。

    The effects of glass bead content and its size on the mechanical property of thermoplastic polyimide ( PI-T ) modified by glass bead were considered . The coefficient of thermal expansion was measured by thermal mechanical analyzer ( TMA ) .