
  • 网络W Radiation;irradiance
  1. 将CFD模拟结果与以往工程方法计算结果进行了对比,指出了工程计算方法在热辐射强度计算方面存在的不足。

    Through comparing the CFD modeling result with the results of previous engineering calculations , we can realize the defect of the engineering method .

  2. 甘肃省火力发电厂热辐射强度调查

    The survey of heat radiation intensity of the heat power station in Gansu

  3. 碳氢燃料泄漏火灾火焰热辐射强度估算

    Estimation of Thermal Radiation from the Fire of Hydrocarbons Leakage to the Ambient Air

  4. 随离火焰中心距离的增加,热辐射强度大大降低,而造成人体伤害所需时间延长。

    The strength of thermal radiation decreases greatly and the time to make people injuring prolongs as the distance from the flame core increases .

  5. 所给出的数学模型和热辐射强度的计算方法,为输气管线的优化设计和风险后果的定量分析提供了依据。

    The developed mathematical model and strength calculating method of thermal radiation provide the basis for the optimized design and the quantitative risk analysis of gas pipelines .

  6. 卫星红外亮温是利用星载传感器收集、记录地物的热辐射强度数据,根据黑体辐射的定律计算得到的亮度温度。

    Satellite infrared brightness temperature is calculated according to the black body radiation law using the object thermal radiation intensity data collected and recorded by on-board sensors .

  7. 与乳白石英玻璃相比较,在相同的条件下,其热辐射强度可提高10%以上。

    The results show that under the same condition , the thermal radiation intensity of the complex is higher than that of the opal quartz by over 10 % .

  8. 介绍了一种关于碳氢燃料泄漏火灾火焰热辐射强度的估算方法,并运用具体实例进行了验证。

    The method used to estimate the intensity of thermal radiation from the fire of hydrocarbons leakage to the ambient air is introduced , and is verified by an example .

  9. 在较高的热辐射强度下,所有的试件产生的热释放速率及其峰值都有所增加,总放热量增大,质量损失增多,但有效燃烧热都相差不大。

    At higher thermal radiation intensity , all samples produced the heat release rate and peaks have increased , the total heat release increased , mass loss increased , but the effective heat of combustion is about the same .

  10. 按照放空气体管口流速为0.5倍音速设计放空立管直径,根据火炬热辐射强度对不同环境的影响设计放空立管高度。

    The diameter of blowdown stand pipe is designed taking 0.5 times of acoustic velocity at the pipe mouth . The height of the pipe is designed according to the influence of flare 's themal radiation indensity on various environments .

  11. 通过探讨火炬的尺寸、火焰的热辐射强度及有毒气体扩散浓度的分析和计算,论述了火炬的无烟燃烧和几种实现无烟燃烧的方法,并分析了主要参数的选择范围和敏感性等。

    Smokeless flare and several methods of smokeless burning were described by analyzing and calculating flare size 、 heat radiation strength of flame and the concentration of toxic gas dispersion and the selected range and sensitivity of main parameters were also analyzed .

  12. 在预测火焰的热辐射时,将火焰中心模拟成一个点源,提出了热辐射强度的简便计算方法。

    When predicting the thermal radiation of flame , the flame core is simulated as a point source , and the simple calculating method is developed for the strength of the thermal radiation .