
jiān kòng shì
  • Monitoring Room;Control Room;supervisory control
  1. 约翰一边以每小时90英里的速度跟踪这个司机,一边向警方监控室描述该司机的异常行为。

    John gave the police control room a running commentary on the driver 's antics as he followed him at 90mph .

  2. 协调节点通过RS232总线与上位机连接,用户在监控室也可以通过上位机观察温度变化。

    The coordinator connects PC through RS232 bus , so users can watch the changes of the temperature by using computer in the control room .

  3. 运营管理办公室在医院管理中的作用SARS时期综合医院感染监控室的职能作用

    The Role of Operational Supervision Office in Hospital Management Function of the Hospital Infection Supervision Office of General Hospital during the Period of SARS

  4. 自动工序工艺运行的全部参数,都可以在中央监控室通过控制网络重新设置到PLC自动控制程序中,从而生成全新的污水处理工艺流程,以适应污水成分、气候、进水流量等的变化。

    All parameters of automatic working procedure can be reinstalled in PLC control software through control network of Central Monitoring Room to generate a new wastewater disposal process flow so as to adapt changes of wastewater components , climate , inflow , etc.

  5. 改装成了一个电视监控室,

    We turned it into a complete TV control room .

  6. 我可能可以在监控室控制中央系统。

    I might be able to override primary systems from the control room .

  7. 我现在就在监控室。

    That 's me in the surveillance room .

  8. 试听室和监控室声学设计的指导性评论

    A Tutorial Review of the Acoustical Design of Listening Room and Control Room Bubble Chamber

  9. 你呆在监控室。

    You stay in this booth !

  10. 与此同时,在监控室的内线上,凯恩正在跟克林再次通话。

    At the same time , on the control-room intercom , Cain was talking again to Kling .

  11. 给用户提供了一个直观而方便的窗口界面,只要点击相应的按钮或选择简单的菜单,就可以在中央监控室对渗碳炉进行热处理操作。

    The operator controls carbon potential furnace by clicking button or choosing menu in central control room .

  12. 结论护理部与感染监控室在医院感染管理中的协同作用非常重要。

    CONCLUSIONS The cooperation function between the Nursing Department and the Infection Supervision and Control Office is very important .

  13. 空压机车间监控室噪声的综合治理

    Comprehensively tackling noise in the room in which a person is in charge of monitoring in an air compressor shop

  14. 将感染监控室的重点科室管理及突发事件管理纳入到护理部正常管理工作之中。

    To bring the important offices and the management of the vital incidents to the regular management of the Nursing Department .

  15. 输液结束或异常时,在中央监控室发出声光报警,并自动阻断液体。

    Infusion or abnormal end , the issue at the central control room sound and light alarm , and automatically block the liquid .

  16. 另外,即使采集到车辆信息,采用何种方式送至中央监控室。

    Besides , even we collect the information of vehicle , how to transfer it to the central monitoring room is a big problem .

  17. 监控室中凯恩还在通话,“那么这些轮胎压力检测装置和液压回路检测装置就没有一点共同之处?”

    Down in the control room Cain said ," And there 's no commonality between all these tire-pressure instrumentations and the hydraulic return instrumentations ?"

  18. 当身体出现异常时,设置在总监控室的遥测监护设备会自动报警,使宾客能够得到及时的救护。

    In case of any abnormality , the ECG telemetry monitoring equipments in the control room will automatically make alarm calls for timely aid and treatment .

  19. 目的发挥护理部与感染监控室的协同作用,确保医院感染管理工作有序进行。

    OBJECTIVE To exert the cooperative function between the Nursing Department and the Infection Supervision and Control Office in order to ensure the work in good order .

  20. 他们通过在北京的一个监控室的电视连线与他对话,还谈到了在太空中飞行员眼里的壮丽景色。

    They spoke to him by a TV link from a control room in Beijing , at one point discussing the pilot 's splendid view of the heavens .

  21. 设计中分监控室上位机和下位机控制器都安装有烟雾传感器,多传感器不同位置探测技术使得系统防火误报率降低,从而使得系统的可靠性增强。

    Host computer and lower computer of the Sub-control room are both installed the smoke sensor , multi-sensors of different location detection technology could reduce fire false alarm rate .

  22. 本文综述了试听室和监控室的声学设计,包括标准,传统参数要求和近十年来技术状况的讨论。

    This paper gives a summary of acoustic design of listening room and control room , including standard , requirements of traditional parameters , and discussion about technical conditions in the last decade .

  23. 鉴于电机启动时启动电流大等缺点,系统统中采用了软启动器启动电机,考虑到监控室距离控制现场比较远,系统中采用了数传电台进行上下位机的通讯。

    In view of the large current when starting , the system use the soft starter the pump . In view of the long distance , the system use digital communication video to communicate .

  24. 上位机位于输液监控室,它的输液监控界面能对输液病房各个床位的输液情况进行实时显示,通过该界面,可以实时观测液体余量,输液状态等信息。

    The PC at the infusion monitoring room infusion monitoring interface , it can real-time display of various wards infusion fluid bed , through the interface , real-time observation of liquid allowance , transfusion status information .

  25. 鸡舍内部环境信息通过无线网络传到监控室,通过串口转以太网接入本地监控中心,监管人员通过客户端软件实时监控舍内环境。

    The sheds internal environmental information is transferred through the wireless network to the control room , through the serial port to Ethernet access to the local monitoring center , regulators can monitor inside environment through the real-time client software .

  26. 最后,为了将巷道内的人员数量等信息传送至地面监控室,系统设计了以太网通信模块,便于接入煤矿监控系统。

    Finally , in order to send the number and other information to the control center on the ground , the system is designed with an Ethernet communication module , which facilitates the system accessing to the mine monitoring system .

  27. 从而实现工作人员能够在地面监控室轻松了解到井下水仓水位、各排水设备工作状态等信息,实现了排水系统运行的避峰就谷和水泵房的无人化值守。

    As a result , implementation staff in the ground control room can easily understand the water level in the underground water storage and the drainage status information facilities , also the drainage system achieve " regulation and peak averting the valley " and the unmanned pumping duty .

  28. 两位消息人士说,对伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)操纵丑闻的调查,促使苏格兰皇家银行在去年某个时候禁止了非监控聊天室的使用。交易员曾利用此类聊天室与竞争对手讨论市场话题。

    Investigations into the Libor interbank lending rate manipulation scandal prompted RBS sometime last year to ban unmonitored chat rooms where traders used to discuss market topics with rivals , two people familiar with those measures said .

  29. 启动停止模块建立和消亡用于监控光室状况和进行图像处理与分析的线程;

    The start-stop module to create and destroy the thread used to supervise light room and process image ;

  30. 同时,在启动阶段应严格监控各格室的pH变化,防止反应器的酸化,当发生酸化现象时,应及时调节pH至6.5~7.8,使产甲烷菌处于生长适宜pH范围;

    At the same time , pH should be supervised strictly in order to avoid the acidification to occur . When acidification is occurring , pH should be adjusted between 6.5 and 7.8 to make methanogenic bacteria in the adaptive growth circumstance .