
ɡé rè pínɡ
  • heat shield
  1. 该炉炉温高达1600℃,由于采用水冷式双层炉外壁和全金属隔热屏式的炉内胆及高真空机组抽真空,其真空度能达到8×10-4Pa。

    The furnace temperatrue can reach 1600 ℃ . The vacuum pressure can reah 8 × 10-4 Pa , due to the water-cooled double layers of furnace external walls , the inner container with metal heat shield and the high vacuum pumping system .

  2. 隔热屏位置对矢量喷管红外特征影响

    Heat shield position on infrared characteristics of a vectored nozzle

  3. 本文从隔热屏的安装数量和位置两方面进行优化,得到了漏热量最小的设计方案。

    The paper optimized the thermal shield installation in position and numbers .

  4. 这两种涂层已成功地应用于中国通信卫星的隔热屏上。

    Two coatings were used successfully on thermal barrier of the communication satellites .

  5. 隔热屏的流场计算及其屈曲分析

    Flow Field Calculation and Buckling Analysis for Afterburner

  6. 气膜冷却技术在加力燃烧室隔热屏设计中的应用

    Cooling flow technique for designing afterburner heat shields

  7. 真空隔热屏机理性能研究

    Research on Mechanism and Properties of Vacuum Insulator

  8. 通信卫星隔热屏热控涂层的研制及应用

    Investigation and application of two thermal control coatings on the thermal barrier of communication satellites

  9. 加力燃烧室纵向波纹隔热屏通道换热特性的试验研究

    The Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Longitudinal Ripple Heat Shield Channel in Afterburner

  10. 航空发动机隔热屏等离子喷涂氧化锆热障涂层工艺研究

    Research on Technology of ZrO_2 Thermal Barrier Coating in Aeroengine Heat Shield by Plasma Spraying

  11. 采用在任意曲线坐标系统下的壁面函数来处理加力燃烧室的筒体和隔热屏壁面附近区域流动。

    In arbitrary curvilinear coordinates , the wall function is used for treating near wall regions .

  12. 作为高温炉的重要组成部分,隔热屏占有很重要的地位。

    As an important component the heat shield plays a momentous role in the vacuum resistance furnace .

  13. 对燃烧室内开有发散孔的纵向波纹隔热屏进行了数值模拟。

    The numerical simulation was used to study the effusion holes on the longitudinal wavy liner in the combustor .

  14. 根据热辐射理论以及隔热屏的工作环境要求,计算出各层隔热屏的温度,建立了符合实验要求的有限元分析模型。

    Based on the thermal radiation theory and the environmental requirement of the heat screen , it worked out at the temperature of the heat screens .

  15. 研究隔热屏的四种结构参数开孔率、波纹板高度、孔径和冷却通道高度的改变对隔热屏冷却效果的影响。

    The investigation focused on the parameters affecting cooling effectiveness , including : opening ratio , height of ripple board , diameter of holes and height of cooling passage .

  16. 该模型利用了模态匹配的方法来处理变截面、声衬(隔热屏)加入等复杂问题,并考虑了热源、边界条件等因素的影响。

    The method deals with the complex problems of variable cross-section or adding acoustic lining in use of mode matching approach , which includes the influence of heat release and boundary conditions .

  17. 因为隔热屏的隔热效率直接影响到真空电阻炉的炉内温度与炉外的温度,对于真空电阻炉的整体性能有着很大的影响。

    The insulation efficiency of the heat shield will affect the temperature of the vacuum resistance furnace both inside and outside and also have influence on the overall performance of the vacuum furnace .

  18. 因此,在冷箱与换热器之间加铝箔隔热屏是改善低温冷箱温度分布和降低跑冷损失的一种有效方法。

    It is concluded that adding an aluminum foil heat insulation screen is an effective way to ameliorate temperature distribution in the cold box and reduce cold energy loss from low temperature equipments .

  19. 加热系统由全金属隔热屏和纯金属加热元件组成,适用于真空环境,具有加热速度快,温度高等特点。

    Heating system is composed of heat insulation barrier all made of metal and pure metal heating element , characterized as applicable for vacuum environment , high heating velocity , high heating temperature .

  20. 简要叙述了隔热屏的种类,隔热屏材料的加工生产,隔热屏的制作及应用,隔热屏材料及元件的市场

    The process and produce of thermal barrier materials , the materials of thermal barrier , production and its application , the market for meterials of thermal barrier and heat insulation parts are briefly narrated

  21. 得出以下结论:1.基于辐射传热的相关理论及其计算方法,推导出隔热屏热分析所需的重要参数一角系数的计算公式。

    It made analysis of the correlation theory and the account form of the heat transfer , and deduced the important parameters-the angle factor formula used to heat shield in the thermal analysis . 2 .

  22. 通过分析隔热屏在高温炉内的辐射传热情况,计算出硅碳棒与水冷壁之间的金属隔热屏为6层时,其中每一层屏的理论温度。

    It analyzed the radiative transfer of the heat shield and worked out the theoretical temperature of each layer screen when putting six layers of metal heat shield between the silicon carbide and water wall . 3 .

  23. 钼板材主要用作电光源零件、电真空器件、隔热屏、发热器、钼电极及钼舟、钼坩埚等,用途广泛,市场前景看好。

    Mo plate mainly used for electric light source parts , electric vacuum devices , heat shield , heater , Mo electrode and Mo boat , Mo crucible and so on , which would be widely use in the future .

  24. 计算结果表明:在相同情况下,采取设备包铝箔和加隔热屏的措施使换热器表面的辐射跑冷损失减少了2/3以上;

    The calculation results indicate that in the same condition the thermal radiation of heat exchangers can be decreased by a factor of 2 / 3 adding an aluminum foil covering on the equipments or an ( aluminum ) foil heat insulation screen .

  25. 金属多层隔热结构反射屏热阻对传热性能影响数值分析金属元件测辐射热计

    Numerical Analysis of Multi-Layer Insulation Foils ′ Thermal Resistance ′ s Influence on Thermal Conductivity metal element strip bolometer

  26. 采用二分法计算了实际传热模型中多层隔热材料中反射屏的温度分布与传热热流。

    The temperature distributions and heat fluxes of multilayer insulation materials have been solved by practical heat transfer model using iterative method combining with dichotomy method .

  27. 新型隔热材料&真空隔热屏的研制与应用前景

    Development and Application of Vacuum Insulator & A New Insulating Material