
  • 网络insulating brick;insulation brick
  1. 角膜热成形术热风炉用耐火砖和隔热砖的选择

    On selection of refractory brick and thermal insulating brick for hot stove

  2. 陶瓷建筑用砖(不包括隔热砖和布耐火砖)

    Ceramic building brick ( excl. heat insulating and refractory bricks )

  3. 矿热电炉炭质高温隔热砖的研制与应用

    Development and application of heat insulation carbon bricks for electric reduction furnace

  4. 抗热震耐火隔热砖的研制

    Preparation of Refractory Insulating Bricks with Resistance to Heat Shocks

  5. 焦炉炉门采用轻质高强度隔热砖的绝热试验

    Test of Heat Insulation for Coke Oven Doors with High Strength Lightweight Brick

  6. 以工业氧化铝、结合粘土、蓝晶石等为原料,应用聚苯乙烯球烧先注和可塑成形法研制成功了耐火隔热砖。

    The refractory insulating bricks were produced by plastic moulding , taking alumina , soft clay , cyanite et al as raw materials .

  7. 实验表明,选择高岭石含量高和碱金属氧化物含量低的煤矸石及高纯菱镁矿可以合成出高质量的堇青石-莫来石隔热砖。

    The experiments show that high grade cordierite-mullite insulating bricks can be produced by a careful selection of coal gangues with high kaolinite content and low impurities content and magnesite with high purity .

  8. 精炼钢包永久衬用轻重质复合保温砖的重质部分相当于高铝砖,轻质部分相当于粘土质隔热砖。

    Light and heavy composite insulating brick used in permanent lining of refining ladle is composed of two parts . The heavy part is equal to high alumina brick and the light part is of fireclay insulating brick .

  9. F(0.5)牌号高档隔热耐火砖的研制与生产

    Development and preparation of F0 . 5 brand quality insulating bricks

  10. 粉煤灰轻质隔热耐火砖的研制

    Study and Manufacture of Lightweight Heat-insulated and Refractory Flyash Bricks

  11. 化学发泡法制备隔热耐火砖

    Preparation of insulating firebrick by chemical bubbling method

  12. 镀锌炉用高强低铁隔热耐火砖的研制与生产

    Development and production of high strength insulating brick with low iron oxide for Zinc-plating furnace

  13. GB/T3994-1983粘土质隔热耐火砖

    Shaped insulating refractory products & Fireclay bricks

  14. 轻浮轻浮的性质或状态GB/T3994-1983粘土质隔热耐火砖

    The quality or condition of being frivolous . Shaped insulating refractory products & Fireclay bricks

  15. 以漂珠、结合粘土为原料,加入膨胀剂、助熔剂和可燃加入物.可制得高强、高铝、低铁隔热耐火砖。

    A high strength insulating brick with high alumina and low iron oxide has been developed by using floating particles and bonding clay as starting material with expanding agents , flux and combustible additives .

  16. GB/T4100-1992釉面内墙砖非上釉瓷砖(不包括隔热和耐火砖)

    Glazed interior tiles flag ceramic unglazed ( excl. heat insulating and refractory flags )

  17. 非上釉瓷砖(不包括隔热和耐火砖)家用铜火锅,不带加热元件,非电力的

    Flag ceramic unglazed ( excl. heat insulating and refractory flags ) chafing-dish , without heating elements , of copper , non-electric , for domestic use

  18. 汽车用非织造复合衬垫材料的结构和隔热隔音性能研究复合陶瓷建筑用砖(不包括隔热砖和耐火砖)

    On the Structure and the Heat Insulation and Sound Insulation Capabilities of Composite Nonwoven Bolster Materials for Automobiles double ceramic building brick ( excl. heat insulating and refractory bricks )