
  • 网络rainwater infiltration;rain penetration
  1. 雨水渗透污染风险及解决方案分析

    Analysis of pollution risk in rainwater infiltration and its solution

  2. 下凹式绿地是一种生态型的雨水渗透设施,目前还没有相关设计规范。

    Low elevation greenbelt is an ecological facility of rainwater infiltration , but its design method is not standardized .

  3. 雨水渗透了泥土。

    The rain permeated the soil .

  4. 雨水渗透了他们的衣服使他们浑身湿漉漉的。

    Rain saturated their clothes , leaving them sodden .

  5. 外墙雨水渗透动力特性研究

    Dynamic characteristic of rain water penetration into exterior wall

  6. 在这一带的肯亚山丘降下的雨水渗透岩石

    The rain that falls on these Kenyan hills percolates through the rocks .

  7. 雨水渗透与香港滑坡灾害

    Rain water seepage and landslide disaster in HongKong

  8. 浅议城市雨水渗透

    On Storm Water Infiltration in Urban Area

  9. 雨水渗透土壤后,田就可以播种了。

    When the rain has all soaked in , the fields will be ready for the seeds .

  10. 小坡度压型钢板瓦屋面雨水渗透动力特性研究

    A study on dynamic characteristics of storm water perviousness on low slope roofs with corrugated sheet steel tiles

  11. 当雨水渗透垃圾,溶解了其中的有害金属和有毒化合物,并把它们带进土壤时,就造成了污染。

    This happens when rain seeps through garbage , dissolves the metals and chemicals , and carries them into the soil .

  12. 货物遭到雨水严重渗透。

    The goods have been heavily saturated by rain .

  13. 不过雨水无法渗透过他们的茅草房。

    But rainwater cannot penetrate their cottages .

  14. 地面铺设材料则经过特别改良,可以让雨水迅速渗透进地下滋养树木,还能将地表温度向地下散发,而非反射到大气中。

    Specially modified road surface materials will let rainwater pass through to tree roots , and transmit heat underground instead of reflecting it back into the atmosphere .

  15. 澳大利亚大部分积水,大坝、水坑等等,干的很快,一些雨水只是渗透泥土。

    In many parts of Australia standing water , that is dams , puddles and so forth , dry up rapidly and some rainfall barely penetrates the soil .

  16. 介绍了城市绿地对雨水的渗透利用、储存利用等利用途径,并详细介绍了雨水资源开发利用的具体措施与方法。

    The rainfall utilization ways , such as through permeating and storing , in urban green space are introduced , and the measures and methods of rainfall resource development are presented in details .

  17. 雨水透过房顶渗透

    The rain seeped through the roof .

  18. 雨水也能渗透穿过这些渣滓,特别是当这些烟灰暂时被存放的时候。

    Rainwater can percolate through the ash when it 's improperly stored .

  19. 人和马都被雨水淋得渗透。

    Both men and animals were drenched with the rain .

  20. 研究雨水、洪水渗透时河堤内部的水分移动以及土的力学性质变化有利于搞清河堤的破坏机理,以便于合理地进行河堤加固并能够进行有效的抗洪抢险工作。

    Study of the water movement and the change of the soil mechanical properties would lead to the understanding of the dike collapse mechanism , thus would be helpful in reinforcing embankment and effective preventing flood damage .

  21. 雨水、洪水渗透时河堤的稳定性问题是一个牵扯到饱和-非饱和状态水分的渗透和水分变化时非饱和土的强度低下的复杂的工学问题。

    Upon the infiltration of rain or flood , change of the stability of the river embankment is a very complicated process , that involves water movement in saturated-unsaturated states and the decrease in the strength of the unsaturated soil .

  22. 建筑小区雨水径流的土壤渗透净化

    Soil infiltration of stormwater runoff in residential quarter

  23. 幕墙作为现代建筑外立面常用的墙体装饰材料,应满足风压变形、雨水渗漏、空气渗透、平面内变形、保温、隔热、防水、耐高温、耐撞击等要求。

    To be used as a modern facade of buildings , curtain wall decoration materials commonly should meet the requirements of wind pressure , water leakage , air infiltration , in-plane deformation , heat insulation , waterproof , high temperature , and impact-resistance .

  24. 通过以上分析提出西安市雨水利用可行性措施,及将校园雨水利用措施和雨水渗透系统两者相结合,设计建大校园雨水的综合利用流程。

    The paper put forward the feasible measures of xi'an city , and design the compositive process of the utilization of urban rainwater by combining the measures and the pervasion system .

  25. 本文论述了雨水资源利用是可行的和必要的,指出了雨水资源渗透系统和雨水资源集蓄利用系统是雨水资源综合利用系统的两大子系统。

    The necessity and feasibility of utilization of rainwater resource are discussed in this article . The system of rainwater infiltration and the system of cumulation utilization of rainwater are regarded as the two big subsystem of the comprehensive utilization system of rainwater .

  26. 探讨城市雨水利用景观及其对城市水环境的改善,并通过对雨水渗透理论和设施的分析,提出雨水渗透对城市水环境改善的作用。

    After the discussion of the landscape and its contribution to the improvement of urban water environmental system and the analysis of the theory and facilities of rainfall penetration , the effect of rainfall penetration on the improvement of urban water environmental system is presented .

  27. 针对深圳市淡水资源严重缺乏的现状,从深圳市的雨水规划、新建工程和现有生态小区、生态厂区的雨水利用及渗透技术等方面,总结提出了对深圳市雨水利用的几点建议。

    According to the water resources shortage situations in Shenzhen the utilization of rainwater is discussed from the rainwater planning , rainwater utilization in ecological quarters and newly built work , permeation technique and other aspects ; furthermore nine advices are suggested for rainwater utilization of Shenzhen .