- 网络henderson the rain king

Henderson the Rain King is regarded by many critics as the most active book of the American Jewish writer Saul Bellow 's distinguished works .
Henderson the Rain King is an existentialist novel with the theme to advocate the statements of existentialism , a trend of thought which was extremely popular in the West in 1950s .
Henderson the Rain King and Saul Bellow 's Jewish Cultural Consciousness
Henderson the Rain King : An Allegory of Kierkegaard 's Existentialism
The way to pursue for Henderson , the Rain King
On Romantic Themes in Bellow 's Works from Henderson : The Rain King
Quest for Spiritual Rebirth & The Theme of Death in Henderson The Rain King
On Henderson the Rain King 's Inheritance of and Transcendence Over Traditional Picaresque Novel
Interpretation of Henderson the Rain King in Light of Emerson s Theories of Transcendentalism ;
A Journey in Search of Self : on Saul Bellow s Henderson the Rain King ;
Prototypical Pattern : Henderson the Rain King 's Adult Rite & On Saul Bellow 's Henderson the Rain King
This paper focuses on the comparison between the modern and traditional picaresque novel in characterization , picaresque model , narrative structure , artistic style and picaresque ending .
What merits our attention is that Bellow 's exploration in the novel Henderson the Rain King finds philosophical support in French philosopher Albert Camus ' philosophy of absurdity .
In Henderson the Rain King , Bellow deals with the realistic idea of death as a condition of life and exposes the sense of anxiety associated with it in the life of the urban American who suffers the inadequacy of social life and belief .
The interpretation of Henderson the Rain King in this thesis is chiefly from the angle of the persevering pursuit of the existence value and the methods of pursuing the meaning of existence . The real remedy is spiritual quest , to reestablish his faith in the modern world .