
  • 网络henderson the rain king
  1. 《雨王汉德森》经常被许多评论家认为是美国犹太作家索尔·贝娄的优秀作品中最富有积极意义的一部。

    Henderson the Rain King is regarded by many critics as the most active book of the American Jewish writer Saul Bellow 's distinguished works .

  2. 《雨王汉德森》是一部直接以宣扬盛行于西方20世纪50年代的存在主义命题为主题的存在主义作品。

    Henderson the Rain King is an existentialist novel with the theme to advocate the statements of existentialism , a trend of thought which was extremely popular in the West in 1950s .

  3. 《雨王汉德森》与贝娄的犹太文化意识

    Henderson the Rain King and Saul Bellow 's Jewish Cultural Consciousness

  4. 《雨王汉德森》:一部宣扬基尔凯郭尔存在主义的现代寓言

    Henderson the Rain King : An Allegory of Kierkegaard 's Existentialism

  5. 雨王汉德森的追求之路

    The way to pursue for Henderson , the Rain King

  6. 从《雨王汉德森》看贝娄作品中的浪漫主义思想

    On Romantic Themes in Bellow 's Works from Henderson : The Rain King

  7. 追寻精神的重生&《雨王汉德森》中的死亡主题解读

    Quest for Spiritual Rebirth & The Theme of Death in Henderson The Rain King

  8. 论《雨王汉德森》对传统流浪汉小说的继承与超越

    On Henderson the Rain King 's Inheritance of and Transcendence Over Traditional Picaresque Novel

  9. 爱默生超验主义视野下的《雨王汉德森》

    Interpretation of Henderson the Rain King in Light of Emerson s Theories of Transcendentalism ;

  10. 寻找自我的旅程:评索尔·贝娄的《雨王汉德森》

    A Journey in Search of Self : on Saul Bellow s Henderson the Rain King ;

  11. 原型模式:雨王汉德森的成年礼&对索尔·贝娄小说《雨王汉德森》的另一种解读

    Prototypical Pattern : Henderson the Rain King 's Adult Rite & On Saul Bellow 's Henderson the Rain King

  12. 本文将《雨王汉德森》与西方传统流浪汉小说进行诸如人物塑造、流浪模式、叙事结构、艺术手法、流浪结局等方面的细致比较。

    This paper focuses on the comparison between the modern and traditional picaresque novel in characterization , picaresque model , narrative structure , artistic style and picaresque ending .

  13. 值得注意的是,贝娄在小说《雨王汉德森》中的探索在法国著名哲学家加缪的荒诞哲学中找到了理论支持。

    What merits our attention is that Bellow 's exploration in the novel Henderson the Rain King finds philosophical support in French philosopher Albert Camus ' philosophy of absurdity .

  14. 在《雨王汉德森》中,贝娄把死亡的现实观视为一种生活状态,并揭示了社会生活及信仰匮乏的大都会美国人的焦虑感。

    In Henderson the Rain King , Bellow deals with the realistic idea of death as a condition of life and exposes the sense of anxiety associated with it in the life of the urban American who suffers the inadequacy of social life and belief .

  15. 本文作者对《雨王汉德森》的解读是对生存价值的执着追求以及体现生存意义的方法而真正的补救办法是去追求精神价值,重新建立对现代世界的信心。

    The interpretation of Henderson the Rain King in this thesis is chiefly from the angle of the persevering pursuit of the existence value and the methods of pursuing the meaning of existence . The real remedy is spiritual quest , to reestablish his faith in the modern world .