
  • 网络Dangling Man
  1. 本文对索尔·贝娄的两部小说《晃来晃去的人》和《赫索格》的写作题材:日记题材和书信题材,进行了比较研究。

    The present paper is a comparative study of the journal form and epistolary form in Saul Bellow 's two novels , Dangling Man and Herzog .

  2. 索尔·贝娄《晃来晃去的人》的亲社会伦理观照

    Saul Bellow 's Pro-society Ethical Concern as Reflected in The Dangling Man

  3. 人穿孔素扩增与表达分析晃来晃去的人

    Amplification of Human Pore Forming Protein and Its Expression The Hanging Man

  4. 《晃来晃去的人》是美国杰出的犹太作家索尔·贝娄的第一部小说。

    Dangling Man is the first novel by the prominent American Jewish writer Saul Bellow ( 1915-2005 ) .

  5. 索尔·贝娄对现代人生存困境之理解与阐释&解读《晃来晃去的人》和《赫索格》

    Saul Bellow s Understanding and Analysis of Modern Man s Existential Dilemma & An Interpretation of Dangling Man and Herzog ;

  6. 在动荡不安的世界里,他失去了立足点与存在的平衡,成了晃来晃去的人和局外人。

    He lost the " foothold in life " and equilibrium of being in the " tottering world ", and became a " dangling man " and " outsider " .

  7. 《晃来晃去的人》是索尔·贝娄的第一部小说,同他的其它几部较长的小说相比,评论界对这部小说的关注相对较少。

    Dangling Man is Saul Bellow 's first novel and also the one that has received relatively scant critical attention over the past half a century compared with his longer fiction .

  8. 如果从文化的角度研究,和其作品中的主人公一样,贝娄本身也是这样一个晃来晃去的人,他始终在美国文化和犹太文化之间摇晃。

    Using the theory of cultural research , Saul Bellow himself is also " the hanging human ", as the same as the characters of his works , he always sways between the American culture and the Jewish culture .
