
  • 网络public regulation;public-regulation;public administration
  1. 其次要完善公共管制评估制度,为管制制度的设计、改革提供依据。

    Secondly , should perfect the evaluation of public regulation system , provides the basis for design and reform of regulation system .

  2. 固体废弃物处理的市场与公共管制效用

    Public Relations Utility Analysis of Solid Waste Disposing Mechanism Under Market and Public Administration

  3. 即便是出于系统性风险和公共管制考虑,不得不采取了干预之举,也必须将其限制在金融业之内。

    Intervention as a last resort on the basis of systemic risk and public control must be restricted to the financial sector .

  4. 依据福利经济学和微观经济政策理论,对公路服务业实施政府公共管制的原因、方法和内容进行了研究。

    According to welfare economics and theory of microeconomic policy , the reason , content and method of government regulation for road service are studied .

  5. 市场失灵以及市场参与者集体要求改善低效率的市场是政府管制或公共管制的理论根源。

    The theory origin of government and public supervision is the inefficiency of market and the demand to improve the market efficiency by the joining parties .

  6. 论美国公共行政管制的发展与变革(一)

    The Development and Reform of American Public Administrative Regulation ;

  7. 公共资源管制放松路径的制度探讨

    The Institution Analysis on Common Resources ' Deregulation

  8. 本文从微观管制经济学入手,探讨了我国现行城市公共交通管制体制存在的问题,并就管制体制改革提出了政策性建议。

    Based on the Micro-Economics of Regulation , the essay discusses the problems existing in the current city public traffic regulation system in China and offers suggestions on policy in terms of regulation system reform .

  9. 自2006年12月发生军事政变以来,该国一直在实行严厉的《公共场所紧急管制条例》(publicemergencyregulations),几乎没有放松过。

    Draconian public-emergency regulations have been in force , with few let-ups , since a military coup in December 2006 .

  10. 对于公共管理,管制是重要的管理手段。

    Control is an important method in public administration .

  11. 中国希望其公民行为得当。北京优衣库视频成为热点话题之后,中国政府害怕该事件会引发一轮不道德性行为热潮,因此加强了对从水上公园到地铁等公共场所的管制。

    China wants its citizens to behave.From water parks to subways , officials are cracking down on what they fear could be a new wave of immoral sex after a video of a couple making love in a Beijing Uniqlo store fitting room became the country 's hottest topic .

  12. 公共交通行业价格管制法律问题研究

    Research of Legal Problems about Price Control in Public Transport Trade

  13. 兰州市城市公共交通服务质量管制研究

    The Regular management of Public Traffic Service Quality in Lanzhou

  14. 其次,理清公共交通行业价格管制中政府、经营者和消费者三者之间的关系。

    Secondly , the relationship among the government , proprietor and consumer in public transport trade should be clarified .

  15. 主要的金融监管理论包括:金融风险论、公共利益论、管制失灵论。而新制度经济学则从制度变迁的角度对金融监管制度的建立与变迁进行了理论分析。

    The main schools are : finance risk theory , public benefits theory , and regulation invalidation theory and so on .

  16. 论汪伪南京市宣传处对公共娱乐场所的管制

    On the Control Imposed on the Public Places of Entertainment by the Propaganda Section of Wang Puppet Nanjing Special Municipal Government

  17. 在美国联邦最高法院的判决中,公共利益作为价格管制的理由频频出现在判决中。

    In the judgments of United States Supreme Court , the public interest was often regarded as the reason of price regulation .

  18. 这里介绍了公共利益理论、管制俘虏理论,并指出了这两种理论的缺陷和不足。

    The author introduces the theory of public interest and economic theory of regulation including capture theory of regulation and life-cycle theory , and pionts out the defects of these theories .

  19. 并引入公共住房价格综合管制模式作为确定公共住房价格的依据,最后提出与此模式相对应的几点配套措施。

    And the introduction of " integrated public housing price control model " for determining the prices of public housing based on the final proposal of this model should be relatively few measures .

  20. 从微观管制经济学入手,探讨了兰州市城市公共交通的政府管制行为,并就优化政府管制行为提出了政策性建议。

    The paper has discussed the governmental management of the public traffic of the city of Lanzhou from the perspective of micro-governance economics and suggested some measures to be taken in improving such management .

  21. 该章以城市经济学的城市规模理论与公共管理学的管制理论为基础,从理论上探讨了一定时期城市用地合理规模的存在性,并系统总结了管制理论的发展,将其移植至城市

    The thesis construct on the base of city scale theory of city economics and regulation theory of public management , discussed the existing of city land scale during period of time , summarized the development of

  22. 水资源管理的目的是为了避免公共地悲剧,水服务管制是为了公共利益和管制自然垄断,水环境管制是因为外部性。

    The resources management aims to avoid the " tragedy of the commons " in water resources ; the service regulation is for the public benefits and control of natural monopoly ;

  23. 健全食品药品安全应急管理体制本质是要求政府加强社会管理和公共服务功能,实现政府及公共部门由管制型向服务型的深刻转变。

    Improve the food and drug safety system of the nature of emergency management is to ask the Government to strengthen social management and public service functions of government and public sector from a regulatory model to a service-oriented profound transformation .