
  • 网络The Princess and the Frog
  1. 之所以改标题为Tangled,是因为《公主和青蛙》当时在票房上并没有引起轰动,而且迪士尼高层不想让他们的作品太过于女孩子气。

    The title was changed to Tangled because The Princess and the Frog was no great shakes at the box office and because Disney wanted to make the project seem less * girlish .

  2. 有感于这现实中的公主和青蛙的感人爱情,歌手Darin还把他们的故事唱成歌儿了:Can’tStopLove。

    And there is a love song particularly composed for applauding for this loving couple : Can 't Stop Love by Darin .

  3. 公主把球和青蛙的事向她父母讲了一遍。

    The princess tells her parents about her ball and the frog .