
  • 网络public speaking;public speech;public speaker
  1. 英语公众演说的系统功能分析

    A Systemic Functional Analysis of English Public Speaking

  2. 在众多语言分析类别中,用系统功能语法来研究英语公众演说是一项比较新颖的尝试。

    Systemic functional analysis of English public speaking is a relatively new trial in various kinds of discourse analysis .

  3. 批评语篇分析(CDA)是分析政治语篇,包括公众演说常用的分析框架。

    The critical discourse analysis is often applied to analyze political discourses including the public speech , in which the speaker tactically wins favorite response from the audience that advantages their cause .

  4. 这段时间很适合发表公众演说。

    This is a good time for making any kind of public presentation .

  5. 如果你害怕公众演说,就别尝试在数百人面前发表演说。

    If you fear public speaking , don 't try to give a presentation in front of hundreds of people .

  6. 最终,他在基督教青年会得到一份工作,讲授他知道他惟一能做的一件事:公众演说。

    Eventually , he got a job at the YMCA teaching the one thing he knew he could do : public speaking .

  7. 结合教学实践具体探讨了口译教学中的记忆技巧、笔记技巧、公众演说技巧和释义技巧的训练问题。

    Based on the teaching practice , the paper makes a substantial exploration on the training of the main interpreting skills as memory training , not-taking skill , public-speaking skill and paraphrasing .

  8. 为展现这个框架在演讲批评中的具体运用,本研究分析了一些演讲话语,例如政策宣传、公众演说、报道、社论、声明、公告以及广告等等。

    In order to illustrate how the framework functions in speech understanding , this study analyzes such speech discourses as political propaganda and public address , report and editorial , announcement and advertisement , and so on .

  9. 作为公众演说的一种,政治演说的目的是激起听众的热情,说服听众接受其政治主张并采取相应的行动。

    As one subtype of public speaking , the purpose of political speeches is to arouse the interest and passion of the audience and persuade them to accept his political policy and take action to vote for the addresser .

  10. 拿埃莉诺·罗斯福举例,她生性羞怯胆小,性格内向,惧怕在公众面前演说。

    Consider the example of Eleanor Roosevelt , who was by nature timid , introverted and terrified of speaking in public .

  11. 一个政客必须向公众发表演说,但又要避免冒犯公众,因此,使演说词一直比较模糊、没有细节&也就是说缺乏“实质”,则对政客有帮助。

    A politician has to address the public yet avoid offending people , so it helps to keep public statements vague and free of detail-lacking in " substance " .

  12. 他要对公众集会发表演说谈论这个问题。

    He was to address a public assembly on the issue .

  13. 周一,奥巴马一直工作到第二天早上,在发表他第一次公众航空安全演说前去打了场网球,随后参加了高尔夫球课程。

    On Monday , Obama worked out in the morning and played tennis before making his first public remarks on airline security , then hit the golf course .

  14. 此外,本研究对有效地在公众演讲中运用修辞格有所帮助,也有利于帮助英语学习者更好地理解公众演说和西方文化,为公众演说的写作和教学提供有益的参考。

    It is of practical significance to encourage more effective use of figures of speech in public speeches . Besides , it also helps English learners better understand public speeches and western culture , benefits the writing and teaching of public speaking as well .