
  1. 本法所称公益性社会团体是指依法成立的,以发展公益事业为宗旨的基金会、慈善组织等社会团体。

    The social bodies engaged in public welfare stated in this Law refer to legally established social bodies that aim to develop public welfare undertakings .

  2. 公益性社会团体应当严格遵守国家的有关规定,按照合法、安全、有效的原则,积极实现捐赠财产的保值增值。

    The proportion of their income that foundations give yearly in financial aid to public welfare undertakings may not be lower than the proportion specified by the government .

  3. 县级以上人民政府及其部门可以将受赠财产转交公益性社会团体或者公益性非营利的事业单位;

    The people 's government at or above the county level or its department may transmit the donated property to a community public welfare organization or a nonprofit public welfare institution ;

  4. 慈善组织主要是从事公益性社会活动的社会团体,是社会主义市场经济的必要组成部分。

    Charitable organizations are social groups that mainly engaged in public welfare activities , and are a necessary part of the socialist market economy .