
  • 网络value driven;Value Driving
  1. 基于EVA的价值驱动因素分析

    Analysis of the Factors of value driving based on EVA

  2. 我国商业银行价值驱动因素探析&基于EVA分解的视角

    To analyse on the Factors of Value Driving for Chinese Commercial Banks & Based on the Perspective of EVA Resolution

  3. 顾客价值驱动的CRM战略研究

    Study on CRM Strategy Driven by Customer Value

  4. Chang和Wildt同样也发现在个人电脑和公寓行业,价值驱动忠诚度。

    Chang and Wildt also found that value drives loyalty in the context of personal computers and apartments .

  5. DEShaw大部分投资基于复杂的数学模型,旨在找出隐藏的市场趋势或定价异常。不过最近该基金也进入到私人股本领域和自下而上的价值驱动型投资领域。

    The greater part of DE Shaw 's investments are made using complicated mathematical models that aim to spot hidden market trends or pricing anomalies , although the fund manager has recently expanded into private equity and bottom-up value-driven investing .

  6. 价值驱动要素在业绩评价中的应用

    The application of the value driving factor in the performance evaluation

  7. 顾客价值驱动的需求状态转移知识模型研究

    The Model of Transferring Demand Situations Based on Customer Value

  8. 这种战略是价值驱动和机会主义的,而且注重管理风险。

    It is value driven , opportunistic and manages risk .

  9. 价值驱动:当代企业管理伦理实现的重要方法

    The Drive of Value : a Method to Realize Contemporary Business Ethics

  10. 价值驱动的企业信息资源管理体系框架;

    The information resources frame of management system of enterprise with value driving ;

  11. 高接触型服务的顾客价值驱动要素实证研究

    Empirical Research of Customer Value Driven Factors in High-level Customer Contact Service Industries

  12. 金融市场中的企业:一个价值驱动的契约模型

    The Firm in the Financial Markets : A Contractual Model Driven by Value

  13. 国外亏损公司价值驱动因素研究述评

    A Review of the Studies of Value Drive Factors of Foreign Loss Firms

  14. 论顾客价值驱动的需求演化过程

    Exploration of Customers ' Value - Driven Demand Evolution

  15. 基本能够较全面地反映各关键价值驱动因素对高新技术企业价值的影响。

    Basic can comprehensively reflect various essential value divers to the high-tech enterprise value .

  16. EVA:价值驱动型业绩评价指标

    EVA : A Value-diving Index of Achievement Appraisal

  17. 知识产权密集型产品顾客感知价值驱动要素及影响因子剖析

    Driven Elements and Impact Factor of Customer Perceived Value of the Intellectual Property-Intensive Products

  18. 从价值驱动的角度描述了企业知识合作价值的组成,并构建了知识对企业能力贡献的测度模型。

    It describes the composition of enterprise knowledge cooperation value from the perspective of value-driving .

  19. 也可以真正地做到积极主动、价值驱动,因为我的价值观非常清晰明确。

    I can be truly proactive , value driven , because my values are clear .

  20. 电影,体育和新闻节目一般被认为是有线电视节目中的价值驱动者。

    Movies , Sports and News channels are considered general value drivers to a cable operation .

  21. 使用价值驱动因素来对我们的工作保持专注并按优先级排序,这个工作要从开始一直做到结束。

    Use the Value Drivers to focus and prioritise our work , from start to finish .

  22. 敏捷要求团队从计划驱动转变成风险价值驱动。

    Agile requires teams to change their perspective from a plan driven approach to a risk and value driven approach .

  23. 这种燃烧等待的练习给予组织灵活性和耐力来以一致的且价值驱动方式响应变更。

    This wait-burning exercise gives the organization the flexibility and stamina to respond to change in a consistent and value-driven way .

  24. 文化对顾客资产三个方面的驱动要素,即价值驱动要素、品牌驱动要素和关系驱动要素都存在一定影响。

    Culture also affects customer asset in three aspects , value driving factor , branch driving factor and relation driving factor .

  25. 从价值驱动因素的财务属性纬度出发,针对高新技术企业价值特征来确认高新技术企业价值的关键驱动因素。

    Starting from the financial latitude and according the characteristics of the value of high-tech enterprises to confirm the key value drivers .

  26. 创新逐渐成为衡量国家综合实力和企业竞争力关键生产要素和价值驱动因素。

    Innovation has gradually become the key factor of production and value-driven factor to measure comprehensive national strength and competitiveness of enterprises .

  27. 总之,云计算使初创公司拥有了一系列独特的价值驱动因素,使他们可以在安全的距离内与传统的业界豪强进行竞争。

    Altogether , this gives startups a unique set of value drivers that allow them to compete with traditional powerhouses from a safe distance .

  28. 这些特点使得高新技术企业与传统企业之间具有较大的差异,它们的价值驱动因素也有所不同。

    These characteristics make the high-tech enterprises , companies with traditional companies , have a greater difference . And their value factors are different too .

  29. 并且从兼顾企业和顾客两方利益的角度出发,对基于简化后的顾客价值驱动因素进行产品创新的模型和流程进行了论述。

    And then discusses Product Innovation model and process based on a simplified customer value driving factors under the consideration of enterprise and customer interests .

  30. 通过在不同关系阶段样本中检验本文提出的理论模型,我们得出关系价值驱动顾客忠诚的理论模型在不同关系阶段中都具有普适性。

    After testing the theoretical model in the samples of different relationship stages , we conclude that the model is valid in different relationship stages .