
  1. VIP服务价值感知测评的功能价值可以拆分为服务设施功能、服务人员功能、服务产品功能和服务价格功能四个具体维度得到验证。

    The functional value can be divided into service facilities functions , service people functions , services , service product function and service price function , which are verified .

  2. 本文首先通过理论梳理,阐述了期货市场发现价格功能的核心地位,并对所采用的协整等数学模型做了相关介绍。

    This paper expounds the central status of the price discovery function of futures market by clarifying related theory , then introduces the mathematical models .

  3. 实物配置的不足表现在它企图取代经济结构中的基础性的市场配置,却又不具备市场配置的竞争价格功能,从而影响了经济的合理发展;

    The shortcomings of the material allocation are manifested in its attempts to replace the fundamental market allocation in the economic structure , but lacking the competition function of price adjustment in the market allocation , thus hampering the rational economic development .

  4. 中国股票IPO的价格发现功能研究

    The Study on the Price Discovery Function of Chinese Stock IPO

  5. 上海燃料油期货价格发现功能研究&基于GS模型的实证分析

    Study on Price Discovery Function of Shanghai Fuel Oil Futures Based GS Model

  6. 干散货FFA市场价格发现功能的研究

    The Study on Price Discovery Function of Dry Bulk FFA Market

  7. 中国市场ETF价格发现功能和信息溢出的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on ETF for Price Discovery and Information Spillover in China 's Stock Exchange Market

  8. 核准制和保荐制的实行更加有利于股票IPO价格发现功能的发挥,同时,中国投资者普遍素质不高,抑制了中国股票IPO价格发现功能的发挥。

    Approval System and sponsor the implementation of the system more conducive to the stock IPO price discovery function , at the same time , China is not high quality investors to curb Chinese IPO stock price discovery function .

  9. 第三章对农产品期货市场价格发现功能进行了实证研究,用VAR模型、Johansen协整检验、误差修正模型等实证分析了大豆、小麦期货合约的功能发挥情况。

    Chapter III of the agricultural futures market price discovery function of the empirical research , using VAR model , Johansen cointegration test , error correction model and other empirical analysis of the soybean and wheat futures contracts Functioning .

  10. 鉴于价格和功能,N82是一个很好的手机,如果您有钱去的。

    Given the price and features , N82 is a good phone and if you have money go for it .

  11. 价格发现功能是ETF市场的一个基本功能,上证50ETF是否具备价格发现功能是衡量ETF推出是否成功的一个重要指标。

    Price discovery is a basic function of ETF market , so that it 's an important index to judge50ETF is a successful innovative product or not according to its function of price discovery .

  12. 价格发现功能对于股票市场十分关键。

    The price discovery function is crucial to the stock market .

  13. 大豆期货市场价格发现功能基本发挥。

    Soybean futures play a basic role of market price discovery .

  14. 我国股票价格指数功能研究

    The Research of Function of Stock Price Index in China

  15. 中国棉花期货市场价格发现功能研究

    Research on Price Discovery in Chinese Cotton 's Futures Market

  16. 期货市场具有价格发现功能吗?

    Does Futures Market Have the Function of Price Discovery ?

  17. 论期货市场价格发现功能与仓储价格理论

    On Price Discovery Function of Futures Markets and Theory of Storage Pirce

  18. 中国农产品期货价格发现功能的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Price Discovery between Chinese Agricultural Commodity Futures

  19. 价格发现功能是期货市场的核心功能。

    Price discovery function is the core function of the futures market .

  20. 我国行业协会价格协调功能的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Trade Association 's Price Coordination Function in China

  21. 第四章重点在于介绍农产品期货市场的风险转移功能与价格发现功能。

    The fourth chapter mainly introduces the risk revise and price discovery function .

  22. 说明这三个期货市场对各自现货市场都具备一定的价格发现功能。

    All these illustrate the three futures markets have certain price discovery function .

  23. 我国大豆期货价格发现功能研究

    Price Discovery Research on Chinese Soybean Futures Market

  24. 第五章进行了股指期货模拟合约的价格发现功能研究。

    The price discovery process is also researched .

  25. o不要忘了价格比较功能。

    o Don 't forget price comparison information .

  26. 其中,价格发现功能处在期货市场功能的核心地位。

    Thereinto , price discover is the core .

  27. 我国石油期货市场价格发现功能的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on the Price Discovery Function of China 's Petroleum Futures Market

  28. 从价格和功能的角度讲,所有版本都适合于特定的市场细分。

    All editions are tailored from a price and functionality perspective to a specific market segment .

  29. 本文首先阐述了期货市场具有价格发现功能的原因,并采取价格领先滞后关系和波动性溢出效应的检验方法对我国商品期货市场进行了价格发现的实证分析。

    This thesis expatiates why the futures market has the function of price discovery at first .

  30. 上海铜和铝金属期货市场在价格发现功能中发挥了主导作用。

    As to copper and aluminum , futures market plays more important role in price discovery .