
  • 网络holding gain;holding earnings
  1. 新股的长期持有收益与首日超额收益不存在显著的相关关系。

    The long-term buy-and-hold return and gross proceeds are negatively related .

  2. 鉴于其识别与计量上的困难,各国税法上都没有单独确认股权转让中的持有收益。

    None of developed countries recognize gain of pure holding due to the difficulty in its calculation .

  3. 鉴于基本面走弱,我们推荐防御性的策略,降低证券组合的风险系数,持有收益稳定的优质蓝筹股。

    Against the weakening fundamentals , we recommend a defensive strategy , reducing beta of the portfolio and stay with the quality blue chips with assured earnings streams .

  4. 听起来,德国(制造商)正在持有收益率较低的德国国债,并把现金存放在他们信赖的德国银行和跨国银行,沃伯顿总结道。

    It sounds like the German [ manufacturers ] are holding low-yielding German Bunds and are keeping cash at German and international banks that they trust , concludes Mr Warburton .

  5. 然后,本文采用了市场调整的累计异常收益模型、买入并持有收益模型、单因素风险调整模型、三因素模型和特征模型来检验上海股票市场是否存在过度反应现象。

    At the same time , this article studies the overreaction of Shanghai Stock Exchange using the CARs model , Buy-and-Hold model , CAPM , three factors model and Characteristic model .

  6. 采用了买入持有超额收益、累计超额收益和Fama-French三因素模型的常数项三个指标,通过对比审批制和核准制下的新股发行定价效率,来说明发行制度改革对IPO定价效率的作用。

    Using the Buy-and-hold abnormal return , Cumulative abnormal returns and Fama-French three-factor model as three indicators constant , by comparing the approval system and approval system under the IPO pricing efficiency , to illustrate the affection of the Stock Offering System reform on the efficiency of IPO pricing .

  7. 银行的资本或者用来为实体经济提供贷款,或者用来持有低收益率资产,以支持流动性。

    Banks ' capital underpins either lending to the real economy or low-yielding assets to support liquidity .

  8. 在亚洲,已经有迹象显示一些持有低收益债务的国家想让他们的投资获得更大的回报。

    In asia , there have been signs that some countries that hold a lot of low yield debt want greater returns on their investments .

  9. 测算市盈率对于确定证券组合预期的持有期收益率非常重要,这正是估价任何证券组合的基础。

    Measuring the price-earnings ratio of share is important for determining the expected holding-period return which can be used as a basis for valuing any portfolio .

  10. 分析师称,投资者应该坚定持有高收益率的高评级债券,但要确定将重点放在不依赖于消费者支出的行业中表现稳定的公司。

    Analysts say investors should stick with highly rated bonds with juicy yields , but make sure to focus on stable companies in businesses that aren 't dependent on consumer spending .

  11. 他说,投资者现在持有高收益债券还是可以的&但是,他警告,一场灾难可能会在一年到两年之内发生。

    He said it 's okay for investors to own high-yield bonds for now & but warns a disaster could be in the cards between a year and two years from now .

  12. 中国大多数对冲基金与嘉实这只基金有着相似的投资组合,这使得它们更难以跑赢大盘,因为它们持有低收益的债券和现金存款,对业绩形成了拖累。

    The majority of Chinese mutual funds have a similar composition to that of harvest , which makes it harder for them to beat the index because of the drag from lower-yielding bonds and cash deposits .

  13. 是指计算平均收益的一种方法,平均收益等于持有期间年收益率的总和除以年数。

    Simple average , equal to the sum of all values divided by the number of values .

  14. 在这种情况下,如何合理预期所持有资产的收益和损失风险就成为投资者关注的焦点。

    Under such circumstances , how to reasonably predict the benefits of assets and the loss risk has already become the focus of investors .

  15. 无论是便宜还是昂贵,由于央行持有的债券收益率接近创纪录低位,很多投资者认为,他们不管怎样都得买股票。

    Cheap or expensive , with bond yields held close to record lows by central banks , many investors feel they have to buy them anyway .

  16. 该如何合理预期所持有资产的收益和损失风险成为投资者和国家金融监管机构关注的热点。

    How to forecast reasonably the risks for yield and loss of assets is therefore what the investors and national financial supervision and management institutions focus on .

  17. 套利交易也颇具吸引力。套利交易即投资者卖出持有的低收益率货币(如日元),投资于更高收益率的货币(如新西兰元)。

    Carry trades , which involve selling holdings in a lower-yielding currency such as the yen and investing it in higher-yielding ones such as the New Zealand dollar , are also attractive .

  18. 本章首先提出假设,然后以股票持有至到期收益率为被解释变量,社会责任信息披露指数为解释变量,利用了收益模型加入控制变量后进行回归。

    This part first makes hypothesis , then take stock held to maturity yields as explained variable , social responsibility index as explain the variables , and make a regression with Return Model and some control variables .

  19. 然而,制度影响了票息、上市与否、持有年限、收益波动性、收益离散程度、市场参与者数量、价格迷失等经济变量,进而影响了市场的流动性。

    Nevertheless , institutions have great impacts on economic variables such as coupons , listing decisions , maturities , earning fluctuation , earning disperse , number of market participants , lost of prices etc * The market liquidity will hence be influenced .

  20. 以往,客户乐于在自己的投资组合中持有安全、但收益较低的固定利率债券。

    Once , clients were happy to have safe but low-yielding fixed-interest bonds in their portfolios .

  21. 这与美国国债的外国持有者持有较长期且收益率更高债券的举动相符。

    This matches a move by foreign holders of Treasuries to own longer dated and higher yielding bonds .

  22. 在相同风险下,投资组合的平均收益要远远高于单一持有美元的投资收益。

    The portfolio average revenue is far higher than the investment revenue of only holding US dollar asset .

  23. 第5章选取了1998&2000年间发生了自愿性会计政策变更的上市公司作为研究样本,运用均值检验和购买与持有法检验了收益平滑的长期市场反应。

    In chapter 5 , the listed companies having the voluntary accounting policy changes in the period from 1998 to 2000 were collected as research sample . By methods of mean value test and buy-and-hold , the long term market reaction of income smoothing was testified .

  24. 规定银行及机构投资者可持有以及持有多少固定收益证券的法规条例依赖于相应证券的信用评级。

    Rules governing the fixed income securities that banks and institutional investors can hold , and in what amounts , rely on credit ratings .

  25. 同时,持有现金也存在两大缺陷:一是持有现金的低收益;二是由经理人、控股股东‘自利动机’引起的现金持有代理成本。

    At the same time , however , there are two main disadvantages of cash holdings . Including : the lower rate of ruturn of cash holdings and agency cost of managerial or majority shareholders ' self-interest .