
  • 网络persistent excitation;persistently exciting;persistency of excitation
  1. 非持续激励条件下系统辨识递推最小二乘最小范数算法

    Recursive least-squares and minimum-norm algorithm for system identification without persistent excitation condition

  2. 无持续激励和严格正实条件的自适应控制系统

    A type of adaptive control system without persistent excitation and strictly positive real conditions

  3. 在基于快采样子空间辨识得到无持续激励系统的中间子空间矩阵基础上,计算得到基于LQG基准的控制性能指标。并将方法扩展到具有可测干扰的系统中。

    Based on the subspace matrix obtained from fast-sampling subspace identification without excitation , LQG performance benchmark was calculated and extended to the measurable disturbance processes . 3 .

  4. 不需要持续激励的辨识算法及其全局收敛性

    An Identification Algorithm and Its Global Convergence without Persistent Excitation Requirement

  5. 部分输入非持续激励下车辆模型系统辨识

    Vehicle Model System Identification with Non-persistent Exciting Input Partly

  6. 不需持续激励的鲁棒极点配置自适应控制

    Robust pole-placement adaptive control without persistent excitation

  7. 文中研究了参数估计和输出误差的收敛性并给出了初步的持续激励条件。

    Convergence of both parameter estimated values and output error are studied and preliminary persistent exdting conditions are given .

  8. 研究了该辨识方案的有关性能,给出了模型参数的估计值收敛到其真实值所需的持续激励条件。

    The persistent excitation conditions are established , under which the parameters of the fuzzy system model converge to their true values .

  9. 证明了在期望轨迹满足持续激励条件时,辩识参数将收敛到真值。

    In addition , the parameter estimates will also converge to the true values if the so called persistent excitation condition is met .

  10. 利用对二阶非线性移动平均模型的辨识验证了持续激励条件的有效性,并给出了均方误差。

    The validity of the persistent excitation conditions is identified by the second-order nonlinear moving average system . Then the mean square error is given .

  11. 依据该研究结论,本文提出了教师持续激励的有关政策建议:教师职业发展的制度创新;教师职业发展的自我定位;高校教师激励性薪酬设计。

    According to the results we gave suggestion about institutional innovation and self-positioning of professional development , design of incentive compensation and bonus system in university .

  12. 针对含不可测外扰的非最小相位对象,发展了一种不要求持续激励和严格正实条件的自适应控制系统。

    In this paper , an adaptive control system without " persistent excitation " and " strictly positive real " conditions is developed for non-minimum phase plant disturbed by unmeasurable disturbance .

  13. 在不依赖外加持续激励信号和不预先假设未知系统参数空间具有凸性质的基础上,保证整个闭环系统的全局渐近稳定性。

    It is shown that , without relying on introduction of persistent excitation and a-priori information on parameter space , a globally asymptotical stability is established for whole closed loop system .

  14. 设计的控制器可以实现对目标轨迹的渐近跟踪;在系统持续激励的情况下,扰动参数的估计可以收敛到真正的值。

    Simulation results verify that the controller is capable of tracking the target trajectory asymptotically and the parameter estimator converges to its true value when the system is under persistent excitation .

  15. 然而,大多数研究并未考虑到持续激励作用下疲劳裂纹的呼吸行为,由其带来的非线性问题也较少涉及。

    However , studies on bladed disk containing cracked blade does not fully take into account the breathing behavior of fatigue crack in continuous vibration exciting until now , which cause nonlinear problems are less involved .

  16. 证明了状态估计误差渐近收敛到零,同时证明了如果激活函数满足持续激励条件,辨识器参数将趋于理想辨识器参数。

    Meanwhile the state estimation error is proved to be converged to zero asymptotically , and parameters of the identifier are converged to the ideal identifier parameters if persistency of excitation condition of the activation function is fulfilled .

  17. 在实际课堂操作中,教师应遵循对象分析、围绕目标、借助任务的游戏设计原则和过程监控、持续激励、总结评判的游戏运用策略。

    In the class , teachers should obey the principles of object-oriented analysis , center around aim , with the aid of " task "; and apply the strategy of appropriate process control , keep a stimulus and summarization after game .

  18. 在持续激励条件下,利用随机过程理论和鞅收敛定理证明了随机梯度算法的收敛性,并用仿真例子说明了该算法的有效性。

    Assume that the system is persistently exciting , and the noise term is uncorrelated with zero mean , by applying the stochastic process theory and the martingale convergence theorem , we can prove the convergence properties of stochastic gradient algorithm .

  19. 企业需要了解其需求的社会性,提高员工对知识更新的水平,同时需要关注精神激励,才能有效地进行人才激励,并持续激励效果。

    Enterprises need to understand the social nature of their employees ' needs and update their knowledge in time . Meanwhile the mangers of the software company should inspire their employees on the spirit level in order to make the motivation effectively and constantly .

  20. 市场是能够对技术创新起持续性激励作用的一种根本制度。

    The market is the root institutions which can durative encourage technology innovation .

  21. 但是,由于缺乏持续的激励机制,集体所有在一定程度上导致了效率的低下。

    However , due to lack of promotion mechanism , the collective to some extent , contributes inefficiency .

  22. 只有长期对营销人员进行持续的激励,所有的这些工作才能井然有序的良性运作。

    Only long-term marketing personnel to the continued incentive , all of these can work orderly benign operation .

  23. 塞流结构由于得不到来自上游的持续扰动激励,而其自身不具有维持其空间位置的能力,从而向下游迁移。

    The slug structure does not get the persistent disturbance that comes from upstream and cannot hold its position by itself , so it travels to downstream .

  24. 无论是全球集团企业,还是硅谷企业初创企业的人力资源专业人士都会认同一点,让员工持续获得激励(同时保持满意)是一个永恒的挑战。

    Keeping employees motivated ( and satisfied ) is an eternal challenge , as HR professionals from the biggest global conglomerates to the newest Silicon Valley startups will attest .

  25. 而从最早的电子游戏中借鉴而来的等级体制,就是一个绝佳的方式用以对用户形成一种持续的激励,并提供一个让用户内省的机会。

    Levels , a game mechanic from the earliest of video games , are the perfect solution for creating a constant sense of forward motion and the opportunity for reflection .

  26. 持续增长是激励和衡量我们成功的基准。

    Sustained Growth is fundamental to motivating and measuring our success .

  27. 尽管正强化作为正面行为持续存在的激励因素可以起到巨大作用,但是负面行为不能简单地被置若罔闻,以为它会自行消失。

    Though positive reinforcement can play a tremendous role as a motivator for the continuance of positive actions , negative actions cannot be simply ignored and expected to go away .

  28. 再次,分析了网络时代IT企业人才激励的基础与保障的物质激励方式,以及深度与持续的精神激励方式,侧重指出,应物质与精神互用互补,组合并用多种方式;

    Forth , it analysis the foundation of talent-motivation in modern IT enterprises , the manner of material motivation of security and the spiritual motivated manner in depth and constantly , it emphasizes the inter relationship between matter & mind and some other combinational ways .

  29. 在官网持续地创作也激励我在校更加努力学习。

    My insisting on creating more masterpieces here could also give me an impetus to study harder in school .

  30. 实施以人为本的绩效管理的主要内容是构建特色的企业文化,建立科学的绩效管理制度,进行持续沟通与有效激励,实现企业与个人共同成长与进步。

    If one creates unique corporate culture , establishes a scientific system , realizes the people management , proceeds continuous communication and effective incentives and carries out the people-oriented performance management , the business and individuals can both grow and progress .