
  • 网络Possessive crime;possession offenses
  1. 持有型犯罪是指故意对法定违禁品进行事实上或法律上的支配、控制的行为。

    Possession offenses indicate a criminal behavior that the suspect dominating in fact or controlling statutory contraband deliberately .

  2. 就持有型犯罪客观方面争议这个问题,在刑法理论界并没有达成统一的认识,该问题争议的焦点在于持有的行为方式。

    The issue of the dispute of possession offenses objective aspects , consensus has not been reached in criminal laws theory . The controversy has been focused on the behavior of the possession .

  3. 持有型犯罪是一种特殊的新型犯罪。

    The possessing crime is a special kind of crime .

  4. 论持有型犯罪的主客观特征

    On the Subjective and Objective Features of Crime of Possession

  5. 笔者认识到:持有型犯罪的本质特征决定了该类犯罪构成要件的特殊性。

    The author is convinced that structural components of the possessing crime .

  6. 第二部分:持有型犯罪之价值底蕴。

    Part Two : Value maintenance of crime of possession .

  7. 持有型犯罪的刑事政策分析

    Analysis of the Criminal Policy Concerning the Possession Crimes

  8. 论我国新刑法中的持有型犯罪

    On Possession Crime in New Criminal Law of China

  9. 持有型犯罪若干问题研究

    A Study on Several Problems of Crime of Possession

  10. 我国1997年刑法以散在型的方式规定了9个新的犯罪样态&持有型犯罪。

    Chinese criminal law in1997 provides nine new criminal rules-the crime of holding .

  11. 试论不能犯之行为持有型犯罪是以行为方式来归类的一类犯罪。

    Behavior of Impossibility of Crime The crime is made by behavior form .

  12. 持有型犯罪的证明责任,从根本上说是一种推定;

    The burden of proof of holding type crimes is a presumption essentially ;

  13. 论刑法中的持有型犯罪

    On the Crime of Possession in the Criminal Law

  14. 持有型犯罪的罪数认定疑难问题探究

    Probing into the Crimes Number of Unlawful Possession

  15. 持有型犯罪概念辨析

    Analysis on the Concept of the Holding Crime

  16. 也论持有型犯罪的行为方式

    On the Acting Pattern of Crime of Holding

  17. 持有型犯罪的立法宗旨在于强化法益保护。

    The legislative objective of crime of illegal holding is to stress legal rights protecting .

  18. 持有型犯罪是新修订的《刑法》规定的一类犯罪。

    Crime of possession is a classification of crimes in the newly revised criminal code .

  19. 第四部分着力研究了司法中如何正确认定持有型犯罪并对之恰当地定罪量刑。

    Part D focuses on how to cognize such crimes and to punish the criminal correctly .

  20. 持有型犯罪的系统研究

    Systematic Study on Crime of Possession

  21. 持有型犯罪之主观罪过不仅包括直接故意,也包括间接故意。

    The subjective fault in holding crimes includes crimes of both direct intent and indirect intent .

  22. 论持有型犯罪之主观罪过

    The Subjective Fault in Holding Crimes

  23. 在中国现行刑法所规定的数百个罪名中只有持有型犯罪最为独特。

    Crime of holding something illegally is most unique in several hundred accusation stipulated by China criminal law .

  24. 在具体证明方式上,持有型犯罪虽然降低了控方的证明要求,但证明责任仍应由控方承担。

    In possession crimes , burden of proof is decreased , which is still taken by the accusers .

  25. 持有型犯罪是刑法理论和实践中极具争议的一种犯罪类型。

    The possession crime is a special controversial crime type in the theoretic and practical area of criminal law .

  26. 在罪数问题上,持有型犯罪属于实质一罪。

    As for issues of number in the crime , possession of a type of crime is real crime .

  27. 持有型犯罪与普通型犯罪对效率与公平的影响区别甚大。

    The crime of illegal possession is different from the type of common crime in affecting efficiency and fairness .

  28. 持有型犯罪的立法价值主要的是刑事政策的选择和社会控制论的需要。

    The main value of possession crime legislation is the choice of criminal policy and the demands of social control .

  29. 持有型犯罪中争论较大的两个问题就是持有的构成与持有的性质。

    The two major controversial points with respect to crimes of possession are about construction of possession and nature of possession .

  30. 犯罪行为理论一直是刑法学理论的基石,而持有型犯罪的出现,以及对其行为方式的研究,对传统的犯罪行为理论产生了极大的冲击。

    The appearance of crime of possession and the research of its behaviors are a great impact to the traditional criminal theory .