
  • 网络Continuous Quality Improvement;CQI;continuous quality improvement, CQI
  1. 统计过程控制(SPC,StatisticalProcessControl)是进行过程监控最常用的工具,它为持续质量改进发展做了巨大的贡献。

    Statistical Process Control ( SPC ) is the most commonly used method for process monitoring and making a significant contribution to continuous quality improvement .

  2. 持续质量改进在降低ICU非计划拔管中的应用

    Application of continuous quality improvement in reducing non-planed extubation for patients in ICU

  3. 持续质量改进在PICC置管病人护理中的应用

    Application of continuous nursing quality improvement among PICC patients

  4. 从实际出发,对铁路运输企业质量体系的运行及过程控制、运用Cp对体系的审核、不合格纠正及持续质量改进作了进一步的阐叙。

    It also elaborates the quality system operation of the railway transportation enterprises and their process control the Cp check of the system the correction and sustained quality improvement .

  5. 结合实际阐述了企业推行ISO9000活动中不同阶段应有所侧重,并将实行持续质量改进作为实现质量体系运行有效性的核心。

    Different emphasis should be laid in different stages of implementing ISO9000 through an enterprise , and continuous quality improvement should be the center for effectively implementing a quality system .

  6. 目的通过护士积极参与的持续质量改进措施(CQI),来提高动脉粥样硬化性肾动脉狭窄(ARAS)患者随访的依从性,以改善患者预后。

    Objective To improve the compliance and prognosis of patients with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis ( ARAS ) by using continuous quality improvement program ( CQI ) .

  7. 论述了当前医院质量管理的研究热点:病例分型管理、医院质量实时控制、临床路径、ISO9000质量体系认证、持续质量改进、循证医学、主诊医师负责制等。

    This article describes the current research focuses in hospital quality management , including case classifying management , hospital quality real-time control , clinical pathway , ISO9000 quality system verification , continuous quality improvement , evidence-based medicine and physician-in-charge responsibility system , etc.

  8. 实践证明,本文所述的QFD和DOE集成模型完全适用于离散制造企业,并可为离散制造企业创造更加显著的持续质量改进效果。

    Practice has proved that the integration frame of QFD and DOE this paper discussed can be used to meet discrete manufacturing companies , and it will create a more significant effect of continuous quality improvement for discrete manufacturing companies .

  9. 为了保持我国UHT纯牛奶市场中的竞争优势,本文调查了我国27家UHT纯牛奶企业持续质量改进现状,分析了问题的原因。

    To maintain the dominant position of UHT milk in the intense market competition , a survey is made of continuous quality improvement in 27 UHT milk enterprises in China . The existing problems are analysed .

  10. 在介绍持续质量改进(CQI)的有关概念和意义的基础上,分析了CQI实施中五个基本要素的改进问题,并提出了在航空企业推行CQI的初步设想。

    Based on introduction of the concept and meaning of CQI , the improvement of five essential factors in implementing CQI is analysed , and the ideas for carrying out CQI in aviation industry companies are presented in this paper .

  11. 为探讨当前医院实施持续质量改进的思路与途径,对国际标准化组织(ISO)、美国医疗机构国际联合委员会(JCI)两个标准体系的背景与内容进行了比较。

    In order to explore the idea and method to implement sustainable quality improvement in hospitals for the time being , the article compares the background and content of the 2 standard systems , namely International Standards Origination ( ISO ), USA Medical Institutions Joint Committee International ( JCI ) .

  12. 以持续质量改进建立质量控制管理网络。

    Establishment of quality control management networks through continuous quality improvement .

  13. 持续质量改进用于手术室护理质量管理的研究

    A Study on Continuous Quality Control in Operating Room Nursing Management

  14. 持续质量改进在肾活检护理中的应用

    Application of Continuous Quality Improvement in Nursing Care of Renal Biopsy

  15. 持续质量改进在标本送检流程中的应用

    Application of continuous quality improvement in improving lab testing flow

  16. 持续质量改进提高护理管理水平

    To improve quality continuously and to enhance nursing management level

  17. 护理文件质量管理在持续质量改进中的应用

    The Application of Nursing Documentation of Quality Management in Continuous Quality Improvement

  18. 持续质量改进在特诊科仪器管理中的应用

    Application of Continuous Quality Improvement of Instrument Management in Special Functions Section

  19. 持续质量改进在我院护理管理中实施的探讨

    The practice of constant quality improvement in nursing management in our hospital

  20. 摩托罗拉公司手机生产线持续质量改进应用研究

    Application Study for Continuous Quality Improvement of Motorola Mobile Phone Production Line

  21. 消毒隔离管理的持续质量改进

    Further Improvement of Quality in Disinfection and Isolation Management

  22. 持续质量改进对护理记录管理效果评价

    Evaluation on Nursing Record Management from Continual Quality Improvement

  23. 结论医疗机构应努力改善自己的不足,做到持续质量改进。

    Conclusion Medical agencies must improve its deficiency and continual increase the quality .

  24. 持续质量改进方法在消化内科住院患者跌倒护理中的应用

    The methods of continuous quality improvement carry out in medical inpatients fall nursing

  25. 航空企业的持续质量改进

    Continual Quality Improvement ( CQI ) in Aviation Enterprises

  26. 应用持续质量改进方法指导院前急救护理

    Applying of continuous quality improving method to guide emergency nursing care of pre-hospital

  27. 用持续质量改进方法提高护理电子病历质量

    To enhance nursing electric medical record quality by using continuing quality improvement method

  28. 持续质量改进在医疗质量管理中的应用

    Application of continuous quality improvement in medical quality management

  29. 单病种质量控制管理中持续质量改进

    Continuous quality improvement in single disease quality control management

  30. 应用持续质量改进减少腹膜透析病人低钾血症的发生

    Application of continuous quality improvement to decrease hypopotassemia of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis