
  • 网络hold out
  1. 你要获得回报就必须做出成绩,而不是持币观望。

    You get paid for performance , not sitting in cash .

  2. 如果投资者预计回报率将不断下滑,他们将持币观望。

    If investors expect falling returns , they hoard cash .

  3. 格利克斯坦所在的一方输掉了辩论&该基金仍持币观望。

    Mr Glickstein was on the losing side of the debate – the fund stayed in cash .

  4. 之前持币观望的投资者因为担心错过行情也开始进场。

    People who had held money on the sidelines are jumping back into stocks , for fear of being left behind .

  5. 项目融资的利率已经大幅上升,银行不愿放贷,投资者持币观望。

    Interest rates on project financing have soared , banks are reluctant to lend , and investors are sitting on their cash .

  6. 其中部分原因在于许多机构投资者悄然罢工,选择持币观望,而非交易。

    This is partly because many institutional investors have quietly gone on strike , choosing to sit on their cash rather than trade .

  7. 现在大量的持币观望使得高油价也无法导致投资下降。

    Businesses are sitting on so much cash at the moment that high fuel prices are unlikely to lead to a drop in investment .

  8. 较长期来看,由于中国缺乏完善的福利和养老体系,中国民众有理由继续持币观望。

    Longer-term view , as China lacks a comprehensive welfare and pension system , Chinese people have reason to continue to wait a little macro news .

  9. 另一方面,风险投资商对于尚未有明确盈利模式的互联网行业开始持币观望。

    On the other hand , business of venture capital investment begins to manage money to having notting have the Internet industry that makes clear profit pattern wait-and-see .

  10. 眼下持币观望、等待反弹是上策,直到价格形态告诉我们,最剧烈的痛苦已经来临。

    Right now the strategy is to wait for a bounce trade as soon as price patterns show us that the level of maximum pain has been reached .

  11. 菲利普·霍夫曼:虽说形势历来都是在交替变化着,但是仍有很多人持币观望,试图找到一个切实可行的投资机会。

    Philip . Hoffman : We know that times are changing , but many people are sitting on cash and looking for real tangible opportunities to invest in .

  12. 我知道的很多人就在持币观望,等待房地产价格跌至最低,但很不幸,我觉得现在还没跌到底。

    A lot of people I know are waiting now to buy real estate , waiting for the bottom , which unfortunately I don 't think has been hit yet .

  13. 还是不要急于再杀入,只要蓝筹股未能发动新一轮攻势之前,还是持币观望,等待股指回调后再跟进。

    You 'd better not come in right away , hold the stocks for watch before blue chips fail to launch a new fighting , then follow in while the index bounce back .

  14. 有时,投资流程告诉他们要大胆投资,有时要持币观望,结果是完善的资产配置计划。

    Sometimes the process tells them to invest aggressively , sometimes it tells them to stay on the sidelines with large cash balances , but the outcome of the process is a plan to allocate capital .

  15. 说句公道话,过去,中国人看到过少数几家外国金融机构拿着额度持币观望,希望直接从当时已成定局的人民币升值中获利,或者将其配额借给其他机构,例如对冲基金。

    To be fair , in the past , the Chinese have seen a few foreign financial institutions keep their quotas in cash , hoping to simply profit from the then inevitable appreciation of the renminbi , or lend their quotas to others , such as hedge funds .

  16. 他们指出,如果房价尚未触底,购房者继续持币观望,今年年底前,经济中产能过剩的问题可能更为突出,这或许将导致经济增长出现第二次下滑。

    If house prices do not find a bottom and buyers continue to stay out of the market , they say , the economy could find itself with an even bigger problem of over-capacity by the end of the year , which might lead to a second dip in growth .