
zhì āi
  • indicate mourning;express one's mourning for the deceased
志哀 [zhì āi]
  • [indicate mourning;express one's mourning for the deceased] 表示哀悼

  • 下半旗志哀

志哀[zhì āi]
  1. 国王驾崩,全国都下半旗志哀。

    All the flags were at half-mast when the king died .

  2. 在敬献花圈后,美国海军陆战队员将降半旗志哀。

    Following the placement of the wreath , the marines will lower the flag to half staff .

  3. 在这三天,全国和各驻外机构下半旗志哀,停止公共娱乐活动。

    In the three days , flags will fly at half-mast national wide and public recreational activities will also stopped .

  4. 尼日利亚代总统乔纳森已宣布,尼日利亚将为亚拉杜瓦的去世举行7天全国哀悼,各地降半旗志哀。

    The acting president Jonathan has announced the seven-day national mourning for the death of Yar'Adua , mourning over their flags .

  5. 我们应该重新认识下半旗志哀的政治功能,完善相关的规定,充分发挥它的积极作用。

    We ought to recognize the political functions of flying flags at half-mast , to improve related rules and to develop the positive function of it .

  6. 在缅怀殉职的军人和公仆时或在悲剧发生后集体哀悼时,我们会降半旗志哀。

    And it is lowered on days of remembrance to honor fallen service members and public servants ; or when tragedy strikes and we join together in mourning .

  7. 发生特别重大伤亡的不幸事件或者严重自然灾害造成重大伤亡时,可以下半旗志哀。

    When unfortunate events causing especially serious casualties occur or when serious natural calamities have caused heavy casualties , the National Flag may be flown at half staff as a token of mourning .

  8. 论我国下半旗志哀法律制度的完善&从下半旗志哀的政治功能说起十八星旗不代表十八行省质疑

    On the Improvement of the Institution of Flying Flag at Half-mast in China & Speaking from the Political Function of Flying Flag at Half-mast ; Comments on The 18-star-flag Does Not Symbolize the 18 Provinces