
  • 网络inlay;marquetry
  1. 国际古镶嵌艺术研究协会

    International Association for the Study of Ancient Mosaics

  2. 中国家具镶嵌艺术的历史

    The History of China Furniture Inlay Art

  3. 镶嵌的艺术&巴黎老人与青年住宅设计

    Housing design for the elderly and youth in Paris

  4. 此时的镶嵌画艺术开始摆脱严格的规制束缚,在形式和内容上都出现了人文主义的倾向。

    The mosaic at this time revitalized again , both in form and content appearing the tendency of humanism .

  5. 中国家具要想走向世界就必须有自己的民族特色,而传统的镶嵌装饰艺术则为我们提供了一条可行道路。

    Chinese furniture in order to the world must have its own national characteristics , traditional inlaid decorative arts provide us with a viable path .

  6. 本文通过论述拜占庭镶嵌画艺术形成的历史背景、政教合一的色彩情感性、独特的画面构成、材质的肌理效果这几个方面来论证其独特的视觉艺术特征。

    This paper discusses the Byzantine mosaic art form of the historical background , the theocratic color emotion , a unique picture composition , material texture effect in several aspects to demonstrate its unique visual art characteristics .

  7. 论哥特式教堂彩绘镶嵌玻璃窗艺术产生之原因

    On the Cause of Emergence of Stained-Glass Window in Gothic Churches

  8. 走进泳池如同置身于某欧式豪宅内,两侧墙壁上镶嵌的法国艺术壁画和欧范儿雕塑、高吊顶上绘制的彩云及上面闪烁的彩灯,都韵味十足。

    Fine French murals on the walls , sculptures of European style , clouds painted on the ceiling and twinkling lights turns the swimming pool into a European mansion .

  9. 通过恢复佛罗伦蒂纳镶嵌的石匠艺术以及其他来自第17和18世纪的技术,俄罗斯的修建者重建了房间的琥珀镶板和艺术品。

    By reviving the stonecutter 's art of the Florantine mosaic , and other techniques from the 17th and 18th centuries , Russian restorers have reproduced the room 's amber panels and artworks .