
shì zhě
  • the dead
  1. 不要诋毁逝者嘛加布里埃尔

    Let 's not speak ill of the dead , Gabriel ,

  2. 一种与逝者交流的方式。

    It is a way of talking to the dead .

  3. 某个特定时代的人们如何埋葬逝者很大程度上反映出当时人们对待死亡的普遍态度。

    How people in a certain era bury their dead says much about the prevailing attitudes toward death .

  4. 美国华盛顿国家大教堂鸣钟300次,以纪念30万新冠逝者,每一次鸣钟,都是1000条逝去的生命。

    The Washington National Cathedral tolled its bell 300 times to honor the 300000 Americans lost to COVID-19 — once for every 1000 dead .

  5. 在书中,道蒂谈及了一个“城市逝者计划”(UrbanDeathProject),一个分解尸体的空间。

    In thebook , Doughty talks about the Urban Death Project , a space for compostingbodies .

  6. 该应用程序由ELROIS公司设计,融合了3D技术和人工智能技术,以重现逝者的形象和个性。

    The app , designed by ELROIS , combines 3D technology and artificial intelligence to recreate images and personalities of those who have passed on .

  7. BetsyMa称,每年有数百名顾客选择用这种“闪闪发光”的方式来纪念逝者。

    Ms Ma said a few hundred customers each year choose this glittering way to commemorate the deceased .

  8. 装有QR读取器的智能手机都可以扫描到,站在墓碑前的人就可以看到由逝者的亲人提供的网页或多媒体资料,互动分享人生故事。

    A smartphone with a QR reader can scan the code , launching websites or multimedia collections created by the family , providing an interactive life story to anyone standing over the grave .

  9. 这种原始人类似乎在很多年里一直将逝者的遗体放置在那里——这是科学家首次在智人(Homosapiens)和尼安德特人(Neanderthals)以外的人种观察到这样的仪式。

    The hominids seem to have placed the bodies of their deceased there over many years - the first time such a ritual has been observed in a species other than Homo sapiens and Neanderthals .

  10. 清明节,用户们涌向这家网站,敬献成千上万的虚拟祭品,这些祭品从GIF格式的白荷花、到身穿白衣的鼓手、再到逝者生前最喜欢的食物,可谓应有尽有。

    For Qing Ming , users flooded the site with tens of thousands of virtual tributes , spanning everything from GIFs of animated white lotuses to drummers dressed in white or pictures of departed ones ' favorite foods .

  11. 我只是RogelioBautista的姐姐,我之所以这样说出我弟弟的名字,是希望有更多的人可以记住他,我希望大家能记住公墓里的逝者,因为只有我们记得的时候,我们才会去送花给他们。

    I am the sister of Rogelio Bautista , and I say his name so you will hear it and be one more person that remembers him . I want everyone to remember all the boys , red and blue , in my cemetery . When we remember , we put flowers on their graves .

  12. 逝者的家属首先可以获准进入。

    Families of those who died had access to that first .

  13. 仪式接下来则着重缅怀逝者。

    Next the ceremony focuses on remembering those who have died .

  14. 你的幸福与快乐就是对逝者最大的慰藉!

    There is no Y in happiness , there is I.

  15. 愿她的灵魂和所有虔诚逝者之灵。

    May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed .

  16. 让我们为逝者的灵魂祈祷。

    Let 's pray for the souls of the departed .

  17. 摹仿逝者少量字签名的鉴定方法与价值特征分析

    The Identification Method and Characteristic Value Analysis of Imitated Signatures

  18. 乔基姆·诺阿:逝者安息,赛格尔!!!!

    Joakim Noah : Rest in peace Craig sager ! ! ! !

  19. 为纪念逝者,请接受我由衷的敬意。

    Please accept my warm tribute to memory of deceased .

  20. 作为一个整体的已死去的人们;逝者。

    Dead persons considered as a group ; the dead .

  21. 好让逝者的灵魂面朝初升的太阳

    So the spirit of the dead person faces the rising sun .

  22. 他逝者文章的开头能带给读者一种特别的愉悦。

    The openings of his Obituaries were a particular delight .

  23. 这个过程既表达了对逝者的爱,又表达了对生者之爱。

    Through this process love is expressed to the dead and the living .

  24. 那么我的职责就是帮助逝者找到天堂之路。

    Then mine is to help the departed find their path to heaven .

  25. 请代向逝者家属表示慰问。

    Please convey our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved .

  26. 我们是逝者的朋友哦这边走

    We 're friends of the deceased . Oh , right this way .

  27. 其中一些逝者的阵亡时间可以追溯到1864年及美国南北战争期间。

    some of which date back to 1864 and the American Civil War .

  28. 请不要侮辱已逝者!

    Findan do not speak ill of the dead !

  29. 天主教的葬礼弥撒要求现场要有逝者的遗骸。

    The Catholic funeral Mass requires the presence of remains of the deceased .

  30. 下葬时,会用一片罗勒叶子陪葬,以示逝者将通往天国。

    A basil leaf buried with a person was considered his passport to heaven .