
  • 网络Lost Time;Auld Lang Syne
  1. 想想那些逝去的时光吧,想想那些错过的人吧。

    Think of those lost time , think about those missed it .

  2. 思绪万千,回想着逝去的时光

    I thought of all of the time passing by

  3. 今天你很容易集中,而你也一直需要集中注意以弥补之前逝去的时光。

    Your day today will be conducive with the kind of concentration you 've needed to make up for all that lost time ...

  4. 名典,宛若一阵怀旧秋风,温柔拂过经典往事的走廊,召唤逝去的时光和旧日情怀。

    Name Code , just like in autumn burst of nostalgia , gentle wind blowing through the corridors of the classic past , calls lost time and the old feelings .

  5. 我不再留恋逝去的时光,而是珍惜眼前的光景;不再诅咒分别,而是庆幸曾经拥有。

    I no longer see the time I won 't have , but instead look upon the moments that remain , and spend them not cursing their goodbye but celebrating their existence .

  6. 但这逝去的时光也正式借机提醒我们去衡量一番过去这么些年的人生选择。相较他人的恢宏成就,重聚或带来懊悔与安全感缺失。

    But the formal reminder of time passed also presents an opportunity to evaluate life decisions over the past few years , which carries the risk of regret and insecurity from comparing yourself to others ' formidable achievements .

  7. 那些话语,你说,只是为了那些逝去的美好时光而说,只是在爱结束了而说,那又代表了什么。

    What are words If they 're only for good times Then it 's off When it 's love Yeah .

  8. 我们谈起自己已经长大了,并为逝去的孩童时光流下了泪。

    We talked about how we are grown up now and shed a few tears for our childhood days gone by .

  9. 现在正是去看望她们的时候,这会让你回忆起很过已经逝去的快乐时光,也能使你重新振作起来。

    It 's time to visit them , this makes you feel refreshed with the memories of what you were long time ago – happy !

  10. 我微笑着登上飞机,对于飞机的晚点一点儿也不担忧。而这一切的原因都在于我有时间去回顾那些逝去的好时光。

    I smiled as I boarded the plane and realized that I was not at all upset about the delay in the flight , as I had been able to spend the time reflecting on the good times from days gone by .
