
dà zǒng tǒnɡ
  • president;chief of state of a republic
大总统 [dà zǒng tǒng]
  • [president] 见总统

  1. 这座宫殿现在成为袁大总统的官邸。

    This palace was now the home of President yuan .

  2. --宇宙大总统手中没有实权。

    The President of the Universe holds no real power .

  3. 美国财经网站24/7WallSt.在总统日发布的一份报告中披露了美国历史上最富有的十大总统榜单。

    A 24 / 7 Wall St. report , out for President 's Day , reveals the country 's 10 wealthiest presidents in history .

  4. 卫兵一看证件,才知道这个普通着装的人竟是大总统。

    Guards watch one document , only know that the ordinary people dress was president .

  5. 袁世凯是中华民国的大总统,他身材矮胖。

    Yuan shihkai , president of the Chinese republic , was short of status and thick-set .

  6. 我是你爸爸.堂堂美国大总统.只要我想追踪就可以追踪.

    I 'm your father . And the president . I 'll trace whatever I wanna trace .

  7. 1921年孙中山在广州就任非常大总统,再揭护法旗帜。

    Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou in1921 , became a great president , and then to expose law-enforcement banner .

  8. 你们可以看得见,在不久的将来,也许会来一个宪法,再来一个大总统。

    In the not too distant future you may get a constitution , and a president into the bargain .

  9. 一九一二年一月一日孙中山就是在这里宣誓就任中华民国大总统的。

    It was here , on January I , 1912 , that Sun Yat-sen took the oath as president of the republic .

  10. 参谋本部是北京政府的军令部门,是大总统军事统率权的具体体现。

    Being the military orders department of the Beijing Government , Military headquarters was a sign of the President 's commanding the army .

  11. 民初《大总统选举法》出台的条件与原因初探

    Discussing on the conditions and reasons of the publishing of the Great Presidential Electoral Law in the first years of Republic of China

  12. 3月10日,袁世凯在北京宣誓就任中华民国第二任临时大总统。

    On March 10 , in Beijing , Yuan Shikai was sworn in as the second provisional president of the Republic of China .

  13. 1921年5月5日,孙中山在广州就任非常大总统,成立革命政府,积极准备北伐。

    In1921 on May5 , Sun Yat-sen takes office the very big president in Guangzhou , establishing the revolution government , positive prepare the Northern Expedition .

  14. 他的野心是当上大总统,但真不知这是为了国家还是迷你裙。

    His ambition is to become the great general , but whether that 's for the sake of nation or the miniskirts is difficult to know .

  15. 尽管它也存在着如过度受制于大总统等诸多弊端,不可避免的存在一些缺陷,但其中也不乏合理因素,也有很多可供后世借鉴的行政诉讼实践。

    Although there are some defects such as over-constrained by the President , it also has some reasonable factors and practices in administrative litigation can be referenced by the later generations .

  16. [2]《中华民国临时约法》时孙中山在辛亥革命后担任中华民国临时大总统时颁布的。

    The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China was promulgated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen when he took office as Provisional President of the Republic of China after the 1911 Revolution .

  17. 20世纪初,作为清廷封疆大吏和民国大总统的袁世凯,曾主持修筑了著名的京张铁路,收回被帝国主义掠夺去的京汉及津镇铁路权;

    At the beginning of20th century , Yuan Shikai , president of Ming Government , was responsible for the building of Jing-Zhang Railway and took over Jing-Han & Jin-Zheng Railways from Imperialists .

  18. 世界十大总统之一,十个总统之间的那些……而他却坐下了,就在主任旁边的长凳上坐下了,他还要呆一会,要呆,是的,实际上还要跟他们说话……

    One of the Ten World Controllers . One of the Ten ... and he sat down on the bench with the D.H.C. , he was going to stay , to stay , yes , and actually talk to them ... straight from the horse 's mouth .

  19. 走进总统套&深圳香格里拉大酒店总统套房

    Go into the president suite & The Shangri-La Hotel Shenzhen

  20. 他是美国十大杰出总统之中的一位。

    He is often ranked as one of America 's top 10 Presidents .

  21. 它的作用是,发起并实施两大党总统和副总统候选人辩论。

    Its purpose is to sponsor and produce debates for the presidential and vice presidential candidates of the two major parties .

  22. 国内方面,以权力过大的副总统迪克切尼(dickcheney)为首的布什团队,寻求扩大行政权力和取消制衡。

    Domestically , the Bush team , led by the overmighty vice-president , Dick Cheney , sought to expand executive power and dismantle checks and balances .

  23. 嘿,华盛顿有个大新闻,总统出去约会了。

    Hey , there 's a big story out of Washington .

  24. 因为大嘴巴,总统就让这位内阁成员歇菜了。

    The outspoken cabinet member was sidelined by the President .

  25. 走进门是一所大房子由总统和他的家人使用。

    Just inside the gate was a large house used by the president and his family .

  26. 近年来,大公司为总统竞选提供了大笔的活动经费。

    In recent years big corporations have contributed large sums of money to the President 's campaign funds .

  27. 但是,不管是在初选,还是在大选中,总统电视辩论现在都已经成为惯例,且为美国人民所期待。

    But broadcast presidential debates , both in the primaries and in the general election , are now routine and expected by the American people .

  28. 下面我愿意在大范围和总统先生就发展双边关系,以及在国际和地区上的一些重大问题深入交换意见。

    I 'm now willing to have a in-depth exchange of views with you , Mr. President , at this expanded meeting on the bilateral relationship and on major regional and international issues .

  29. 谢谢大家!尊敬的芮恩奎斯特大法官,卡特总统,布什总统,克林顿总统,尊敬的来宾们,我的同胞们

    President Clinton , distinguished guests and my fellow citizens

  30. 外国的外交官和他们的夫人已经聚集在大礼堂准备接受总统的会见。

    Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the great hall to meet the president .