
dà xiá gǔ
  • grand canyon
大峡谷[dà xiá gǔ]
  1. 假期中最精彩的片段是参观大峡谷。

    The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon .

  2. 科罗拉多大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world .

  3. 大峡谷永远让人叹为观止。

    The Grand Canyon never fails to impress .

  4. 我们去大峡谷徒步旅行,探究印第安人的崖居。

    We hiked the Grand Canyon , exploring Indian cliff dwellings .

  5. 科罗拉多大峡谷是世界自然奇观之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders / marvels of the world .

  6. 我们打算假期时到科罗拉多大峡谷玩。

    We plan to visit the Grand Canyon on our vacation .

  7. 面对着科罗拉多大峡谷,他的惊奇之感混合着惶恐之情。

    He felt wonder mingled with awe at the grand canyon .

  8. 大峡谷的雄伟令人望而生畏。

    The grandeur of the Grand Canyon is awesome .

  9. 美国的大峡谷1900米深。

    The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep .

  10. 通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)帮助改善了大峡谷州的就业前景。

    General Motors is helping fuel the improved jobs outlook in the Grand Canyon State .

  11. 他们在气候变化问题上的分歧就像美国大峡谷(grandcanyon)那样宽。

    Their differences on climate change are as wide as the Grand Canyon .

  12. 豫西大峡谷漂流旅游SWOT分析及其对策探讨

    A SWOT Analysis of Drifting Tour in Grand Canyon of Western-Henan and the Countermeasures

  13. 图片:It’salongwaydown.万丈悬崖图片:TheGrandCanyonNationalPark.大峡谷国家公园古城马丘比丘在印加古道最高处。印加古道被称为是“死亡路线”。

    The ancient city of Machu Picchu lies at the top of the Inca Trail , which has become known as the " hike of death . "

  14. 科罗拉多大峡谷U形透明玻璃悬空天桥是美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河上的一处旅游景点。游客可站在高空中俯瞰大峡谷的风光,看着科罗拉多河在脚下奔流,过足“天行者”的瘾。

    Grand Canyon Skywalk is a tourist attraction along the Colorado River on the edge of the Grand Canyon in Arizona , U.S.A.

  15. 现在他可能成功跨越斯内克河峡谷,但他真正的目标是飞跃美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河的大峡谷(GrandCanyon)。

    He might clear the Snake River now , but his real aim was to leap the Grand Canyon .

  16. 井架名为“深水地平线”(DeepwaterHorizon),位于一个被称为“密西西比大峡谷”(MississippiCanyon)的区域。

    The rig , the Deepwater Horizon , is located in an area known as the Mississippi Canyon .

  17. 怒江大峡谷及下游地区7个云南少数民族YAP位点的多态性研究

    Polymorphisms of Yap in 7 Yunnan ethnic groups along the Nu River Valley

  18. 两个相机在低光环境的表现都不怎么样,但在美国大峡谷零度以下的环境下还能使用——这与我的iPhone不一样,它的电池会失去电力。

    Neither excelled in low light but both survived the sub-zero temperatures of the Grand Canyon - unlike my iPhone , which lost its charge .

  19. 2007年9月,壶关太行山大峡谷成为国家4A级旅游景区。

    In September , 2007 , the Huguan Mt. Taihang Grand becomes the national 4A level traveling scenic area .

  20. 龙潭大峡谷长12千米,这个U型峡谷因紫红色的石英砂岩条纹而著称,人称“中国第一峡谷。”

    This 12-kilometer , U-shaped valley marked by a stripe of purplish red quartz sandstone has earned the name , " The No.1 Valley of Narrow Gorges in China . "

  21. 美国在Ins史上最红地标前十名中占据四席,亚利桑那大峡谷的排名最靠前。

    And in the United States , which boasts four of the top 10 all-time Instagrammed landmarks , it 's Arizona 's Grand Canyon that tops all others .

  22. 当我的女儿Katie满13岁时,我们一起在大峡谷底部度过了两周,

    And when my daughter , Katie , turned 13 , she and I spent two weeks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon ,

  23. GrandCanyon大峡谷尽管理论尚处于争论之中,但专家们认为这条巨大的峡谷是一千七百万年前,科罗拉多河流横穿峡谷腐蚀岩石而形成的。

    Though the theory is still up for debate , experts think this colossal canyon was formed 17 million years ago , when the Colorado River carved through the gorge , eroding the rock .

  24. 全世界已有878个地方被联合国教科文组织收入了世界遗产名录,其中包括美国大峡谷(GrandCanyon)、伦敦塔(TowerofLondon)以及吴哥窟(AngkorWat)。

    From the Grand Canyon to the Tower of London to Angkor Wat , 878 places around the world have been named World Heritage sites by the United Nations , through its Unesco agency .

  25. USGS表示,地震的震源位于美国大峡谷西北6英里的湾区北端。

    The USGS said the earthquake 's epicentre was six miles northwest of the American Canyon , at the northern end of the Bay Area .

  26. 这座桥位于张家界大峡谷,是世界上最长、最高的玻璃桥,桥面离地300米。大桥的建造者邀请BBC记者丹·西蒙斯来到张家界,让他尽全力猛砸桥面。

    The makers of the world 's longest and highest glass-bottomed bridge in Central China 's Zhangziazie Grand Canyon invited BBC 's Dan Simmons to try to smash his way through the panels - some 300 metres above the ground .

  27. 这座桥梁的建筑师是以色列人HaimDotan,建成后将击败美国拉多大峡谷走廊,该走廊位于距离地面718英尺的高空,长68英尺。

    Israeli architect Haim Dotan was behind theambitious venture , which will easily dwarf America 's Grand Ca nyon Skywalkwhich sits 718ft aboveground measuring 68ft long .

  28. 因为ULD的帮助,我们能够确定我们曾经对于大峡谷的砂石的时代测定是错的。

    So because of this , this new way of doing ULD , we 've been able to determine that one of the our major assumptions about Great Canyon was wrong .

  29. 整个一周里,大峡谷将会一直下雪。

    There was only snow in the valley for one week .

  30. 康妮:你去过大峡谷吗?

    Connie : have you ever been to the Grand Canyon ?