
  • Major events;Breaking News
  1. 同时,无人机、3D打印机和智能家居设备这些新兴技术似乎有点过时了,称不上是“下一个大事件”了。

    Meanwhile , emerging technologies -- the drones , 3D printers and smart-home devices of the world -- now seem a bit too old to be called " the next big thing . "

  2. 历史不仅仅是研究尘土飞扬的老物件和过去的大事件。

    History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and events long past .

  3. 小小的一支笔,却改变了历史,推动了国家之间的贸易,记录了大事件,传播了消息。和其他所有工具相比较,它为人类贡献了更多。

    Though it is small , the pen has changed the history , improved the trade of countries , recorded events , carried news , and done far more work for human beings than all other tools .

  4. 结合时间进程图、微震事件b值和体变势一阶差分的分析,可以实现短、中期微震大事件的预报预测。

    Analysis of potential first-order differential 、 microseismic events B value and combined with time process graph can realize the short and mid microseismic events forecast .

  5. 初年节目如《大事件》(TheEvent)和《萝拉》开局虽好,但收视率很低;

    The first-broadcasting programs , such as The Event and Lola , have good beginnings , but the audience rating is not so good ;

  6. 促成IMF形成的十大事件

    10 Events Shaped IMF

  7. 一个大事件就是酷寒的严冬。极地气流使得收视率低下,他们决定重命名为MSNBC。

    The polar vortex caused so many record lows , they renamed it MSNBC .

  8. 简要回顾了近年来RFID技术在国内发展的大事件,并对RFID系统的安全现状进行了详细的分析和研究。

    This paper briefly reviews the major events of the development of RFID technology in the country in recent few years and the security status of RFID system is also analyzed and researched in detail .

  9. 但这一切有了改观,这要归功于一种新技术的出现,即WebKit,而iPhone则让WebKit成为了移动领域标志性的大事件。

    But all of that has changed , thanks to a technology known as WebKit , which made its mark upon the mass mobile via the iPhone .

  10. 福克斯和Seacrest打算把超级碗办成像颁奖礼一样的大事件。

    FOX and Seacrest are going to cover the Super Bowl like any major event , like an awards show .

  11. 纽约Faviana设计室专门重新制作如在奥斯卡这种大事件上穿的“成功”服装,并以成本价的几分之一卖出。

    The Faviana design house in New York specializes in reproducing " hit " dresses worn at events such as the Oscars and selling them at a fraction of the cost of the original .

  12. 只要一点小事情就足以酿成大事件。

    It is big enough to have a bit of everything .

  13. 英国剑桥大学教授近日预测,2014年将会有大事件发生,21世纪将会就此发生转变。

    2014 will determine course of century , says Cambridge professor .

  14. 这部短片讲的更多的是围绕在他身边的种种大事件。

    It is more about the maelstrom of events surrounding him .

  15. 此外,这两大事件都以地区实力平衡突然改变为标志。

    They are also marked by sudden regional power shifts .

  16. 我想马拉松比赛将会是个令人瞩目的大事件。

    I think the marathon will be a great event .

  17. 转轨是人类社会的大事件之一。

    Transition is one of the biggest events in the human society .

  18. 对劳里家族而言,这是一件特别的大事件。

    For this was a very special event in the Lawrie family .

  19. 这个表演是数星期以来引起注意的大事件。

    The show was a great sensation for several weeks .

  20. 我们习惯于用大事件来记住出生年,比如说一次地震。

    We tend to remember years by events , like an earthquake .

  21. 好吧,是的,是的。这可是每个人的大事件。

    All right , oh , yeah , yeah.Big deal , everybody .

  22. 2000年7月空间天气大事件对地磁场的影响

    The geomagnetic response of July 2000 event universal space

  23. 她的听证会并不是本周华盛顿唯一的大事件。

    Her hearing was not the only big story in Washington this week .

  24. 这个大事件里都会有一些钱。

    There may be some money in this story .

  25. 大事件建筑中绿色技术的应用探讨

    Application of ' Green Technology ' in mega-event architecture

  26. 大事件,名人,庆典,警察追捕,交通事故。

    Big events , celebrations , ceremonies , police arrests , traffic accidents .

  27. 我之前提到过成功是一件很少会发生的大事件。

    I mentioned earlier that success is seldom one giant thing that occurs .

  28. 2008年北京奥运会将是一次具有全国影响的大事件。

    2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be a great event of national influence .

  29. 真正的恐怖发生于三大事件同时发生的那一天。

    The real horror erupted on the day that three events happened simultaneously .

  30. 有时似乎是唯一的电视大事件。

    at times , it practically seemed like the only thing on TV .