
jiàn guǐ
  • go to hell;holy shit;absurd;fantastic;preposterous
见鬼 [jiàn guǐ]
  • (1) [fantastic;absurd;preposterious]∶比喻很古怪

  • 真见鬼,怎么找不到呢?

  • (2) [go to hell]∶比喻毁灭;消亡

  • 让旧的一套见鬼去吧

见鬼[jiàn guǐ]
  1. 真是见鬼!我可从没听说过这样无聊的事。

    A ghost indeed ! I 've never heard anything so silly .

  2. 见鬼,我要迟到了!

    Oh heck , I 'm going to be late !

  3. 真他妈的见鬼!我们错过了这趟火车。

    Fuck it ! We 've missed the train .

  4. 真见鬼,我的钥匙丢了!

    Darn it ! I 've lost my keys !

  5. 让所有这些规章制度见鬼去吧!

    Away with all these rules and regulations !

  6. 真见鬼!我忘带钥匙了。

    Drat ! I forgot my key .

  7. 让这事见鬼去吧,我可要走了。

    To hell with this , I 'm getting out of here

  8. 真见鬼。我能写些什么呢?

    Oh , heck . What can I write about ?

  9. 你和你该死的百分比都见鬼去吧!

    A plague on you and your damned percentages !

  10. 让分数和资格证书都见鬼去吧。

    To hell with grades and qualifications .

  11. 我想怎么干就怎么干,让他们全都见鬼去吧。

    I 'm going to do as I please and let ' em all go to hell .

  12. 在他电话联系的公司里,75%都怀有敌意,让他“见鬼去吧”。

    75 % of the firms he called were hostile and told him to ' drop dead . '

  13. 让彼得见鬼去吧。这是我的钱,我想留给谁就留给谁。

    Peter can go to hell . It 's my money and I 'll leave it to who I want

  14. “就这么着吧,让他们见鬼去吧!”他咆哮道。

    ' Let 's get it over and done with , and to hell with them , ' he ranted .

  15. 种庄稼不除草不是见鬼么?

    Isn 't it absurd to plant crops and not weed the fields ?

  16. 他怎么一转眼就不见了,真见鬼。

    That 's fantastic . He 's vanished in the twinkling of an eye .

  17. 手套怎么不见了?真见鬼!

    That 's funny ! what have I done with my gloves ?

  18. 让他的那套理论见鬼去吧!

    To hell with that theory of his !

  19. 多用于表达惊讶之情,如bloodyhell(该死、见鬼、我的天)。某事物可以是bloodymarvelous(超赞的),也可以是bloodyawful(糟糕透了)。

    Mostly used as an exclamation3 of surprise e.g. " bloody hell " . Something may be " bloody marvelous " or " bloody awful " .

  20. 见鬼谁是Joy

    Who the hell is Joy ?

  21. 见鬼了,它是被导弹打下来的!

    It was hit by a missile for christ 's sake !

  22. 见鬼,我得赶紧去接孩子了。

    Shit , I 've got to pick the kid up .

  23. 对,可是是哪些?见鬼,发生什么事情了?

    Yeah , but which one ? What the hell happened ?

  24. 见鬼,早告诉你不用带东西来的。

    I told you not to bring anything , you devil .

  25. 啊,真见鬼!我误了最后一趟火车。

    Oh , hell ! I 've missed the last train .

  26. 拉森:见鬼,看来你真的要让我去他那儿了。

    Larson : damn , you really had me going there .

  27. 当然现在没有任何见鬼的东西阻止我们离开了。

    There 's sure as hell nothing to stop us now .

  28. 一定又是见鬼的电力事�

    It 's gotta be some kind of freak electrical event .

  29. 见鬼.-还很孤僻.对吧

    Damn . - Isolated too , don 't you think ?

  30. 见鬼!我应该冒这个险才对。

    Damn it ! I should 've risked going straight in .