
jiàn shànɡ dì
  • go to see God;go the way of all flesh
见上帝 [jiàn shàng dì]
  • [a mild tone to die] 上帝,基督教徒所崇拜的神,见上帝也是死的委婉语

  1. 日志停止更新,我见上帝去了!

    Blog stopped updating , I was gong to the god !

  2. 然后与已去见上帝的灵魂结合。

    And united to the spirit which has gone to god .

  3. 他知道他终有一天要面见上帝

    He knew that one day he would have to face God ,

  4. 带著公义见上帝;带著金钱见法官。

    Go before God with justice , before the judge with money .

  5. 如果谁敢动的话,我就送他去见上帝!

    If anyone dares move , I 'll send him to his Maker !

  6. 我这皮肉灭绝之后,我必在肉体之外得见上帝。

    And though this body be destroyed , yet shall I see god .

  7. 他要清醒的去见上帝。

    He must meet God with a clear conscience .

  8. 汽车失控了,我完全无能为力,只能准备去见上帝!

    There was nothing I could do except prepare to meet my maker !

  9. 你就可以直接去见上帝了。

    You can take it up with god .

  10. 陶德:准备去见上帝吧。把你变成冰块的“上帝”。

    Toad : prepare to meet you maker . your . " ice maker " .

  11. 我现在想的就是,我就要去见上帝了。

    All I can think about is , like , there ain 't no god .

  12. 他说活在这世上是在受罪,祈求早点去见上帝。

    He said the world intolerable and prayed that he might soon meet his maker .

  13. [婉]去见上帝,死天哪!

    depart to God Good God !

  14. 我就让你见上帝!

    I 'll show you god !

  15. 他喜欢驾驶小的轻型飞机,但机器的主要构造失灵后,他见上帝去了。

    He liked flying micro-light aircraft but cashed in his chips when the machine 's main structure failed .

  16. 我看不见上帝要给我的那些更美好的东西,所以我的心一直在畏缩;

    I did not see the better things God had for me , so my soul was shrinking back ;

  17. 人们可以花上几年时间为自己的退休生涯做好准备,对于预备迎见上帝,却连五分钟都不肯花。

    How strange that people should spend years preparing for retirement and not take so much as five minutes to prepare to meet God .

  18. 现在,你还要花多长时间继续教育病人关于步行和食物的好处?他根本不听,而且快要见上帝了。

    Now , how long you continue to teach the patient the benefits of walk and food when he is not following and he is on the verge of dying ?

  19. 如果我们穿上人工翅膀在空中飞行,那我们将是泰坦版本的伊卡洛斯——我们的翅膀将会结冰、散架,然后带着我们去见上帝。

    If humans put on artificial wings to fly , we might become Titanian versions of the Icarus story-our wings could freeze , fall apart , and send us tumbling to our deaths .

  20. 我知道我的救赎主活著,末了必站立在地上,我这皮肉灭绝之后,我必在肉体之外得见上帝。

    I know that my Redeemer liveth , and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth , and though worms destroy this body , yet in my flesh shall I see God .

  21. 安海斯:他们有,但我妈快89岁了,她坐轮椅,又失忆,我相信她宁愿去见上帝,好吗?

    Anheuser : They did . But my mother is almost 89 . She 's in a wheelchair . And she is easily confused . And I am confident that she 'll want to . Okay ?

  22. Paul曾这样形容耶稣:“所有一切有形或无形的事物都是为了看不见的上帝而创造的。”这则重大宣言提醒我们,当上帝与人产生牵连,他就跟文化有了牵连。

    And yet Paul once described Jesus as " the invisible image of God for whom all things - visible and invisible - were created . " This cosmic claim reminds us that when God got involved with man - he also got involved with culture .

  23. 拜托,你相信看不见的上帝。

    Come on , you believe in God who is invisible .

  24. 这位老人去世了,去见他的上帝了。

    The old man died and went to meet his maker .

  25. 1883年,在他最小的儿子出生后不久,约翰罹患中风,见了上帝。

    Soon after the birth of his youngest son , John Robert suffered a stroke and resigned his living . He died in 1883 .

  26. 如果你连看得见、摸得着,同你毗邻而居的人都不爱,又怎么能热爱你看不见的上帝呢?

    How can you love God whom you do not see , if you do not love your neighbor whom you see , whom you touch , and with whom you live ?

  27. 总之,属灵生活的秘诀,就是两项原则&完全地倚靠这位看不见的上帝,并且每时每刻宣告祂的同在。

    The principle of complete dependence on the unseen God , and the holy habit of claiming His presence with us each moment of the day & this is the secret of a life of true godliness .

  28. 为什么不问我何时何地见不到上帝?

    Why not ask when or where I do not see God ?

  29. 亲爱的詹姆斯,很快我就要死去,去见我的上帝了。

    Dear James . Very soon I am going to die , and meet my God .

  30. 亲爱的詹姆斯,很快我就要死去,去见我的上帝了。在我死之前,我要给你写下我一生的真实的故事。

    Dear James . Very soon I am going to die , and meet my God.Before I die , I want to write the true story of my life for you .