
  • 网络eternal happiness
  1. 淡定中,更渴望的是,平平淡淡、永恒的幸福。

    Calm down , the more eager is plain and eternal happiness .

  2. 至于永恒的幸福,我怀疑世上是否真正有过。

    Regarding eternal happiness , I wonder whether it has existed on the earth .

  3. 想知道永恒的幸福的魔兽角鹰兽的蛋秘密吗?

    Would you like to know the secret to eternal ha ine ?

  4. 美能创造永恒的幸福:美能使幸福与日俱增;

    A thing of beauty is a joy forever : Its loveliness increases ;

  5. 看到了永恒的幸福。

    The bliss of eternal gain .

  6. 三百年以后,当我们尽力做完了我们可能做的一切善行以后,我们就可以获得一个不灭的灵魂,就可以分享人类一切永恒的幸福了。

    After we have striven for three hundred years to all the good in our power , we receive an immortal soul and take part in the happiness of mankind .

  7. 渴望是一种永恒的幸福,它是一笔财富,犹如房地产一样实实在在,用之不竭,使人受益年年、幸福一生。

    An aspiration is a joy for ever , a possession as solid as a landed estate , a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity .

  8. 告诉我你是否想象得出天长地久的姻缘中那种永恒的爱情的幸福!

    Tell me if you can conceive the happiness of love immortal in an eternal union !

  9. 美学作为形而上主体的情感表现和宗教体验,与意志、用永恒的观点和幸福有关,是不可言说的;

    As the expression of feeling and experience of religion of the metaphysical subject , aesthetics has something to do with will , " sub specie aeterni " and happiness which is unsayable ;