
  • 网络CTDG;talentcreate magnetic separator;permanent magnet unit
  1. 介绍了美国High-Force永磁磁选机在梅山铁矿的工业试验情况,就存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了改进的建议。

    The industrial scale experiment of American High Force permanent separator carried out in Meishan iron mine was introduced , the existing problems were discussed , and improvement suggestions were proposed .

  2. 美国High-Force永磁磁选机工业试验研究

    Industrial scale experiment of American High Force permanent magnetic separator

  3. 高梯度强磁力永磁磁选机磁系的研究与磁场计算

    Study and calculation on high gradient and intensity magnetic field system in permanent magnetic separator

  4. φ300mm×1000mm筒式永磁强磁选机的研制

    Development of φ 300 × 1000 mm Drum High Intensity Permanent Magnetic Separator

  5. DPMS永磁强磁选机在选矿生产中应用的新进展

    New Advance in Application of DPMS High Intensity Permanent Magnetic Separator in Beneficiation

  6. 介绍了DPMS系列永磁强磁选机近两年的进展及有关的使用情况。

    Advance and application of DPMS series high intensity permanent magnetic separators in recent two years are described .

  7. 多元高梯度永磁强磁选机

    Multiple High Gradient High Intensity Permanent Magnetic Separator

  8. 将质点系动能定理和液体粘性摩擦理论应用于湿式永磁圆筒磁选机驱动电机功率的计算,推出了在目前的教科书中尚为空白的磁选机驱动电机功率的计算公式;

    Particle series kinetic energy theory and liquid viscous friction are used to establish driving motor power computing formula for wet tube permanent magnetism separator . This formula did not exist in textbooks .

  9. 理论研究表明:攀枝花钒钦磁铁矿现用中1050x3000mm湿式永磁筒式磁选机的磁场特性为H。

    According to the theory and research , magnetism characteristic of the wet permanent magnetic tube separator is .

  10. 介绍一种最新研制的PHGM-600型永磁高梯度磁选机。

    There is presented a PHGM-600 permanent magnetism high gradient magnetic separator .

  11. φ1050×2400mm永磁筒式磁选机在水洗和选矿工艺的应用

    The Application of φ 1050 × 2400mm Drum Permanent Magnetic Separators in Washing and Beneficiation Processes

  12. 介绍了CTDG1516N型永磁大块矿石磁选机结构及试验结果。

    This paper introduced the structures and test results of the big block permanent magnetic separator of CTDG1516N type .

  13. 稀土永磁排斥磁极磁选机的设计

    Design of Rare earth Permanent Magnetic Separator with Repulsive Magnetic Poles

  14. 新型永磁大块矿石磁选机的研制及应用

    Development and Application of New Type Permanent Magnetic Separator for Lump Ore

  15. 永磁滚筒式磁选机的分析和设计

    The Analysis and Design of Permanent Magnet Cylinder Magnetic Separator

  16. 永磁筒式磁选机磁场特性研究

    Property Research on Magnetic Field of Permanent Magnet Drum Separator

  17. 永磁筒式磁选机磁筒不锈钢保护层的设计与制作

    Design and process on stainless steel protection layer for permanent magnetic drum separators

  18. 双立环永磁高梯度磁选机是一种利用永磁磁力、脉动流体力和重力综合力场选别的新型设备。

    Double vertical ring high gradient permanent magnetic separator is a new kind of separation equipment which utilizes the combined force field of permanent magnetic force .

  19. 同时介绍了两种典型的稀土永磁排斥磁极磁选机&稀土永磁辊和稀土永磁挤压磁系磁滚筒。

    Also presented are two typical magnetic separators of this kind , namely , the rare earth permanent magnetic roll and the drum with pressing magnetic system .

  20. 永磁筒式磁选机由于无法将磁团聚中夹杂的连生体和单体脉石有效地剔除,所以很难获得高品位精矿;

    Drum separator cannot produce high-grade iron concentrate because it cannot remove the locked particles and gangue in the agglomeration formed in the process of magnetic separation .

  21. 工业试验结果表明,带式永磁高梯度磁选机的分选行为与电磁高梯度磁选机的分选行为相似。

    The industrial test results show that the separating performance of the belt type permanent high gradient magnetic separator is similar to that of electromagnetic high gradient magnetic separators .

  22. 随着非金属矿业的发展,为了解决微细物料的干法除铁,开发了一种新型干式永磁高梯度磁选机。

    With the development of non metallic minerals industry , a new type of dry permanent high gradient magnetic separator has been developed for removing iron contaminants from ultrafine powder .

  23. 随着强磁选设备的发展,美国研制的铁轮式永磁高梯度磁选机对微细粒级弱磁性铁矿物只有较好的回收效果。

    With the development of the high intensity magnetic separator , the permanent magnetic high gradient separator manufactured by the USA has better result to the micro particles low intensity magnetic minerals .

  24. 新磁路永磁筒式磁选机与一般磁选机相比,磁场强度、磁场梯度、磁极个数及磁场作用深度等技术参数明显占优。

    Compared with conventional magnetic separators , drum permanent magnetic separator with new magnetic circuit has obvious advantages in magnetic intensity , graduation , pole number and the fuctional depth of magnetic field .

  25. 永磁筒式磁选机是利用不同矿物之间的磁性差异,在不均匀磁场中使矿物分离的一种选矿方式。

    The permanent magnet drum separator is a mineral processing equipment to make the separation of minerals , which is use of magnetic differences between the different minerals in the non-uniform magnetic field .

  26. 描述了排斥磁极磁系的磁场特性,介绍了逆向磁场中磁铁工作点确定的新方法,为稀土永磁排斥磁极磁选机的设计提供了一条捷径。

    The magnetic field characteristics of repulsive magnetic pole system are presented and a new method for determining the working points of magnets in counter direction magnetic field is described , which provides a short cut for designing the rare earth magnetic separators with repulsive magnetic poles .

  27. 本文介绍了CRIMM型稀土永磁辊式强磁选机的结构、工作原理和技术参数。

    This paper describes the structure , operation principles and technical parameters of CRIMM roll-type high .

  28. 永磁大块矿石干式磁选机应用与改善

    Application of Dry Permanent Magnetic Separator for Lump Ore and Its Improvement

  29. 粗粒永磁辊式强磁选机的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Roll - type High Intensity Permanent Magnetic Separator for Coarse Particles

  30. 采用永磁筒式强磁选机对提高锰矿资源的回收利用率,降低成本,增加经济效益,有着重要的意义。

    Adopting strong magnetic separator with permanent magnet drum has great significance in reducing costs and increasing recovery utilization ratio of manganese resoruces and economic efficiency .